Every annointed in my hall (we had alot), was literally a nutcase.
1. One wore fishnet stockings and only came to meetings 2 weeks before and the meeting after memorial.
2. One was literally a murderer and killed her husband who was an elder. Went to jail for manslaughter and was still partaking.
3. One was a fucking bearded lady that was obsessed with acting out in character excerpts from the gospels after meetings.
4. One was claiming being annointed immediately after baptism and religiously beat his wife.
5. The most insane was a brother that everyone knew was gay. He lived on the first floor and his former gay boyfriend lived on the second floor of his house. We had book study at his house and the gay lover came down after book study with cookies and shit and talked to us like everything was normal. One night he died in front of the kingdom hall of a heart attack and was found by a neighbor because his car horn was going off for like 5 mi NJ Tuesday after a meeting in ng