Unless you are Marvin Gaye.
Best rendition of the anthem... all time.
so a few things .... apparently it's superbowl 54, and also the centennial of the sport.
erm ... i'm not a mathematician, but aren't there 46 superbowls missing?.
americans claim that uk sport ("soccer", aka real football) is too low scoring.
Unless you are Marvin Gaye.
Best rendition of the anthem... all time.
...having been released half way through his sentence from prison only weeks ago - for terror offences.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51351844.
know there are always going to be those who will believe I am wrong and seek to disarm me and other law-abiding citizens who prefer not becoming helpless victims,
I also carry, as well as my wife because I will not be a victim. My county has had a huge influx of immigrants and there has been a huge influx of gang related violence and rape by these same people. Meanwhile liberals near the capital seek to find every opportunity to prevent people in the state from legally protecting themselves.
It is amazing they were willing to go to war so that grown men can use the bathroom with my daughter as long as he has a dress on, but they are adamant about removing my constitutional right to protect myself???
for those who travel, such as attend international conventions (lol, i had to add a jw thing into this thread), do you have the precheck thing for the airports?
this is the thing where you go in a separate line and don't have to take your shoes off and do all the things that most people do.. it does cost money, about $85 for 5 years.. but for those who travel internationally, the global entry thing is well worth the money.
for only $15 more ($100 total for 5 years) it includes precheck within the us and then entry back into the us without the typical long lines at customs.
My family and I travel to my wife's home in Jamaica 4 to 5times a year. We also take 2 or 3other international flights to see family and friends in Europe and her sister in S. Korea.
We paid for it because I have s son with autism and standing in long lines does not work well.
My problem is I am 6'2, black, with locked hair. Although I pay for this priviledge I get pulled out of the line or stopped for a random security check at least 40 percent of the time.
So although my family gets through faster, my wife is tasked with often waiting ahead of me as I am carted away to be screened and go through the same process.
However, for the majority of the time I get through it is worth it
after at least 8 excrement findings, police in massachusetts finally caught this woman who would poop in a parking lot and leave her crap as well as some tissues.
i just thought you should know about this đź’©.
Something similar happened while I was at Bethel in the 90s. In 124 and 107 brothers were pooping in the toilets and refusing to flush.
It was so bad that 3 or four floors in these buildings were backed up and had to be cleaned out by hand.
It was discussed at morning worship and asked if anyone knew who was doing this to let your floor overseer know. Alot of people were sent home.
Disgusting teenagers and twenty somethings... lol
when you hear that the polls say.... do you really believe it??.
i think polls can be and often are skewered.
i don’t trust them..
You believe the polls, but bvb you admit most are useless?
when you hear that the polls say.... do you really believe it??.
i think polls can be and often are skewered.
i don’t trust them..
Anyone who has taken a basic statistics course in college will understand that the majority of polls are skewed and inaccurate(much more than just the 5% this way or that which is stated)
i haven’t posted in awhile.
my wife asked me after the year 2000 came and went without fanfare(because the wt organization said all the “new world” would be here within this 20th century would end), “ what would it take for you to leave the truth?”.
my reply was “ if i turn 60 in this “system of things”.
James, if I remember correctly are you from Florida? I am asking because i used to be as well and i was wondering if we possibly crossed paths.
new coronavirus wreaking havoc.....first case detected in the us one hour ago....six deaths already in china.....hope it gets controlled soon.....
The state I live in have 8 deaths from the flu yesterday... I am not worried about the asian virus as of yet.
If it gets out of control the world will work to eradicate it. If they many will die.
Why get worked up over something you have no control over
i got the amazon echo dot and it’s pretty good.
do you use it for anything?.
You might want to add fuck amazon since they make alexa...
i got the amazon echo dot and it’s pretty good.
do you use it for anything?.
If you have a cellphone you have invited big brother into your house, your car, your place of work and anywhere else you take your phone...