BLM is controlling the minds of young idiotic children who are not capable of coherent decision making and do not have an understanding of the past. Last night in Charlotte NC (which is a southern city, but populated by mostly people from the NE and West), the tore down multiple confederate statues. What turns my stomach as well as other black people above the age of 25 is watching them literally tie a noose around the neck of these statues and hang them from stop lights. When I watched this on the news I literally felt sick.
I am an actually black person old enough (in my 40's) who has a parent (80's) who had a family member beaten to death in VA in the 1940's because he owned a store and the white folks didn't like it. I heard vivd stories of what happened to my fathers father as well. Anyone who has heard that history from a person who lived it WOULD NEVER SUPPORT OR CONDONE WHAT WAS TAKING PLACE LAST NIGHT.
Worse still, many black people still cringe just thinking about it. How was that act repeated last night. Well notice who is in the crowd, notice the vast majority of fucking idiots out there doing this. BLM and these fucking stooges are just refreshing ideas in the minds of lunatics who will once again go back to this type of actvity. BLM is acting like a terrorist organization and black lesbians and immigrants are the ones leading it.