Magnum u are correct however this was happe ing in Greensboro Nc in thw early 80s. Around 1980 to 82. It was bad. The circuit overseer who came to "fix" the situation was Brother Beda. There was also another C.O. that came with him as a direct order from the branch named sylvester bennet who is now a district overseer. He may be retired. It was awful, 4 white elders with 8 black servants that were servants for many years and they were ne er appointed
JoinedPosts by silentbuddha
Jehovah's Witnesses and racial prejudice by Werner Cohn
by slimboyfat inrace is asserting itself as a problematic issue united states once more.
i always thought jws had a relatively good track record on race.
they preach a world without prejudice after all.
Another Police Shooting
by silentbuddha inanother police shooting of an unarmed man.
this time a health aid shot whike helping a patient.
these guys need some training..
Its ok there has been a news release that says the officer was trying to shoot the autistic man not the black therapist but unfortunately the bullet hit the black guy.
Another Police Shooting
by silentbuddha inanother police shooting of an unarmed man.
this time a health aid shot whike helping a patient.
these guys need some training..
Another police shooting of an unarmed man. This time a health aid shot whike helping a patient. These guys need some training.
Racial Insensitivity
by Coded Logic in"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
I never said 1 million so no need to exaggerate. The reason it is a ttpical post is because it is the type of thing that typically happens. There are also laws in some places about recording police. People who get there phones taken as well.
Honedtly if i had 13 recordings of officers pulling me over for no reason except to hardass me you probably would cone up with a reason to justify it.
You have a black member of he House of reps givong a speech before stating in DC he has been pulled over 7 times this year. I guess he is lying too. Thise damn blacks do nothing but lie and kill people I suppose
Racial Insensitivity
by Coded Logic in"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
This same study stating black people are not killed at a higher rate also states that more guns make a society safer so hopefully we can believe that line as well.
Also in regards to people being taught that everything that happens to them is because of racism, is not true. As a kid i lived in a very crime filled neighborhood. Police would sit at the city limits and pull us over and prevent us from going to STATE and CITY parks in white areas. I had 2 JW friends of 17 and 19 who had there lives ruined by officers who planted drugs on them during routine traffic stops. I saw PLENTY of racist behavior perpetuated by police. I dont understand why people have such a hard time believing this.
Racial Insensitivity
by Coded Logic in"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Im a 40 yr old black male who lives in a community where the average home is 400k.(not bragging just setting the scenario)
I am always asked what am i doing in this neighborhood.
This year i have been pulled over 11 timesi have been asked, "boy what are you doing round here" by a officer atleat 10 years younger than me.
I have been given 6 tickets and 3 points on my license for false charges.
I went to court to fight the charges but it was my word against his so i lost.
I have file complaints... nothing has been done.
I no longer bother trying to explain these situations(with the exception of this post) to other white folks because they think i am making a mountain out of a molehill until they saw me pulled over infront of my own home on the 4th of July weekend and made out to be a criminal in front of my neighbors.
This has happened to me since i was a teenager and many of my black friends have similar stories.
I try to be an unassuming citizen while nearly everyone of my neighbors has a confederate flag and racist lawn ornaments.
Such is life
Was the Coup staged?
by Coded Logic infor the sake of argument, i think a case can be made:.
) edrogan has been wanting to expand his constitutional powers - this gives him the perfect opportunity to do so..
) it gives edrogan an excuse to restructure a highly secular military.
"It's so incompetent however I wouldn't be surprised if the Americans were behind it. "
I also would not be surprised if the USA or other western power had something to do with this as well. I am sure not for the same reasons that SBF feels they possibly played a role, but I would not be surprised if in the next 20 years or so some documents get leaked proving they did.
Sixty People Murdered in Nice Terror Attack
by cofty incrowds celebrating bastille day in nice, france have been targeted by a terrorist driving a truck.. initial reports of 60 dead and 100 injured.. i am losing track of how many similar attacks there have been in europe in recently..
Terrorist attacks are horrible regardless of where they take place, and my heart goes out to anyone who is touched by this form of violence. Unfortunately these types of attacks with mass casualties where very common throughout the 70's into the mid nineties in Europe. There was a drastic drop in terrorist attacks in the mid to late 90's to the mid 2010's. (With the exception of a few large scale attacks in single European countries).
Ultimately if it is not ISIS it will eventually be someone else.
I conclude evolution is guided
by KateWild inyour qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
God guides evolution. It is true. He doesn't use that immense power to stop the molestation of children. He is useless.
Proof that Daniel was written 400 years after the events it describes and how much it gets wrong
by purrpurr ini've been studying the bible anew and have just realised that the writer of daniel gets the kings of babylon completely wrong and confused.
he says that nebuchadnezzar was succeeded by his son belshazzar .
then along comes good old cyrus the great who liberates the jews.. yet this is wrong!
Perry, your avatar photo makes you look like one of those pastors from a mega church.
I think the more important / entertaining point here is determining whether or not Daniel was in the lion pit and an angel protected him. After all, that IS the best part of the whole pile of rubbish right???