My favorite... Al Green. He remade a spiritual(I'm not a religious guy) called "free at last". It is literally my favorite song of all time.
JoinedPosts by silentbuddha
What’s Your Favorite Song and Musical Group?
by minimus ini love soul , r @ b and funk.
one of my favorite songs is al green’s let’s stay together.
i love the philly sound and tom jones still has it!.
Flawed Website
by pinkpizza inwhen i first seen this website i actually thought it was a jw website hence the home page and not an ex jw website and i posted a topic thinking people were real witnesses then i quickly discovered it was not and all these people were commenting and embarrassing me and i couldn’t even delete the thread.
then i asked the admin to delete it and i said it was very misleading saying it’s a jw page and he’s like are you serious i deleted your topic and now you are attacking me and it clearly says ex jw page.
he was very rude and btw no where does it say ex jw and you should be able to delete your own threads you start.
Just send him a dildo... he will be fine
Warning: autistic screeching ahead ...
by LoveUniHateExams ina regular guy went into a vape store in georgia recently, to buy his wife some liquid for her e-cigarettes.
his big mistake was to wear a trump t-shirt.
the shop assistant went completely mental because of the t-shirt.. the customer remained calm throughout and eventually got the product he wanted (i think).. but what a scene!
My son is autistic... I wish he would scream....
I have question about Harry Peloyan
by yoko N ini learned from loyd evans video that because of his higher education (harvard graduate).
and talented carrier in wall street journal,harry peloyan was very quick to be invited to world hq.. according to his life story (w may 1 ,2006) , he was invited to whq in 1957.. i wonder when was he baptized?.
is it true that people who have higher education be used by the org more quickly than people who don’t?.
Bethel loves educated and rich folks and they are highly favored.
When I went there was this new guy named Robert Rivera. He was a developer at LUCENT and when he came he had a big ass room and was instantly placed in a department doing high level shit.
Rich kids or families that were well off, of which I knew 3 had huge rooms. 2 of which actually had no roommates and were placed in nice cushie hige although they had no experience.
2018-Annual Service Report!
by Atlantis inif this has already been posted just disregard.. 2018 annual service report one in english and one in spanish.
other news included.
zipped folder.
IT only gets worse
Jehovah's Witnesses... Who sent the Star of Bethlehem?
by JW Answers injehovah's witnesses... who sent the star of bethlehem?.
the watchtower teach their followers that the star of bethlehem was sent by non other than satan... however as we take a look at the scriptures by comparing spiritual things with spiritual we begin to see that the star of bethlehem was not sent by satan, but used for the glory of god.a seasonal message to end the year.. watch now here :.
"This poster never answers so I'll assume he just checks off a box for "stuck a video on ExJw forum"
Coming out of the Woodwork
by Solzhenitsyn inwho was i to think that we would be left alone?
it has been a dream for 2+ months.
a few calls i let go to voicemail but now the wife and i are getting bombarded with text messages.. this isn't going to be easy.. since we're not looking to throw a grenade into decades of relationships, text replies thus far have been..."thank you so much.".
You can continue your fade and continue to play this game of deflecting and hiding... you also have the option of throwing the grenade and dealing with the aftermath.
It's a tough choice, but it is what you have to deal with
There was 1.. just 1 JW that I miss. He was an educator, he would constantly read apostate tracts we found in our local service area (tampa)and comment on how what they said was actually full of truth when we would have personal vonversation.
There were a multitude of issues he knew were wrong and would have to be corrected. He was extremely intelligent in so many other areas.
He made it apparent that the reason he never left was because he invested so much time in the borg... he cared about people and he admitted he never wanted to difellowship anyone.
I remember being on committees with him and we never disfellowshipped anyone because he didn't feel it was loving.
In hindsight I believe he was instrumental in me leaving.
I hope one day he leaves so we can have a real get together
Disassociation experiences please
by UnshackleTheChains inhi everyone.. i would love to collate the experiences of those who decided to disassociate.
the reason i am asking this question is that i have been in turmoil for a very long time as to whether i remain a fader or whether to bring closure on my membership with the watchtower organisation.. it is for this reason i would like to read about some of the experiences of those on this forum who went down the route of disassociation.
if could answer the following.
How long did it take you to decide to disassociate?
About 6 months. I was debating whether or not to fade or just leave and claim my life back. I kept deciding whether or not to believe the term of playing their rules.
How has this impacted on you?
I have never been happier in my life. I have achieved many goals and my family life is much better.
Has your mental health in any way been affected since you disassociated? Eg if being shunned by family.
I have no mental health issues. If anything I am far more stable knowing I do not have to fear death.
Do any of your current JW relatives associate with you? And if so to what degree?
Yes. They beg me for money and then disappear when they dont get it.
Do you feel your life is better now that you are completely free of the watchtower?
Yes. I have my entire immediate family with me. I make the money I like. I go places I want to go and I am living my childhood dream as a farmer
Do you ever get panic attacks about Armageddon or that you left "the truth"?
Never. When I realized that it was all a giant made up pile of horseshit and that the bible is as valid as the adventures of spiderman episode 78 I had no fear
What Is Your Opinion Of Melania Trump?
by minimus ini think she’s very intelligent and dignified.
plus, in my humble opinion, i rate her as the most attractive first lady ever..
I don't find her attractive but I fund her intelligent and pleasant