So since there are many thousands more undetected cases that have come and gone or are still out there, what does that tell us about the death rate.
Let's say Canada has had 5000 cases. What is the death rate now.
even if you are young and heathy there are very good reasons to fear this disease and take drastic actions to avoid it individually, and halt it together as communities.
not only would it be traumatic as a society to lose so many old and unwell family members and friends, but survivors of the disease may suffer significant health problems in the future.
survivors of the first sars virus in 2003 have suffered significant lung problems.
So since there are many thousands more undetected cases that have come and gone or are still out there, what does that tell us about the death rate.
Let's say Canada has had 5000 cases. What is the death rate now.
even if you are young and heathy there are very good reasons to fear this disease and take drastic actions to avoid it individually, and halt it together as communities.
not only would it be traumatic as a society to lose so many old and unwell family members and friends, but survivors of the disease may suffer significant health problems in the future.
survivors of the first sars virus in 2003 have suffered significant lung problems.
The number of cases will increase. Most deaths will be for those who have weakened immune systems.
Financial markets will be in unnecessary turmoil(except in China) and people will lose homes and jobs unnecessarily.
My hope is everyone who is overreacting starts bathing in and cooking with bleach, so when this comes back next year they wont be able to see any info about it and wont be able to speak on it
even if you are young and heathy there are very good reasons to fear this disease and take drastic actions to avoid it individually, and halt it together as communities.
not only would it be traumatic as a society to lose so many old and unwell family members and friends, but survivors of the disease may suffer significant health problems in the future.
survivors of the first sars virus in 2003 have suffered significant lung problems.
I wonder if this event will cause someone to return to the JW's.... again
even if you are young and heathy there are very good reasons to fear this disease and take drastic actions to avoid it individually, and halt it together as communities.
not only would it be traumatic as a society to lose so many old and unwell family members and friends, but survivors of the disease may suffer significant health problems in the future.
survivors of the first sars virus in 2003 have suffered significant lung problems.
They just reported that Covid--19 germs travel in packs. The alpha of each Covid-19 pack can sense / sniff out panic and attack anyone who is not thinking rationally. The alpha literally directs all his beta minions to attack every orifice at once to induce maximum exposure...
We better watch out
it looks like joe biden might be the next president of united states!
your thoughts?
A femme lesbian married to another femme lesbian would be the only type of gay that would possibly get a decent volume of votes. It still would not be enough to win.
yes, it’s donald trump’s problem and he has no idea of how to take care of this!
and he gets his vp mike pence to oversee this situation.
donald trump doesn’t care about who could get this virus.
The death rate is believed to be less than 1 percent due to China under reporting the number of confirmed cases.
yes, it’s donald trump’s problem and he has no idea of how to take care of this!
and he gets his vp mike pence to oversee this situation.
donald trump doesn’t care about who could get this virus.
Death rate is less than 1 percent...
today was a beautiful day and so, decided to drive by my old town with my wife.
at some point, she asked me to stop talking about jws to which i said: i'm talking about were i lived, what i did and who i knew.
its just that all of it was jws!
I dont know if I'm crazy, but I got to the point that my past as a jw isn't such a bad memory.
It kept me out of trouble for the most part. There were bad times, but good times as well. It is just a part of my past like everyone else in this world.
The JW religion is not great, but I would rather be a JW than a muslim or some weird kind of evangelical group.
i know there is a huge college/university lobby here in the us that lives off of students paying, in some cases, enormous amounts of money just to attend.. putting politics aside, if that is possible, (and i am not a bernie sanders guy by any means), but how can we pay for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school, and then throw a huge debt to someone who wants to continue learning?
can't the us (public and state universities) afford four more years for young people to get on a career path without having to, in some cases, take out a mortgage/loan more than the cost of some homes?
then, (and nothing against immigrants, i am married to one), but then the us has to "import" students from other countries to fill the needs that we should be supplying here.
Many americans foolishly go to out of state schools. Many are ashamed of community colleges so they spend thousands for no reason.
I have 3 degrees and I paid for them all while going or my place of work at the time paid them.
At this point kids should go to school for plumbing, electrical work, etc etc....
hi did any former elders ever suggest that bro & sis should go to the police?.
there was a group of sis with various health conditions and on medications had a gathering and drank a lot wine , one of the sister physically assaulted another sis , myself and a another elder were assigned to deal with it after hearing what happened i said to the sis she could contact the police the other elder a lot older gave me a dirty look , the sis said i trust you bro to deal with it .. i think that's why witnesses don't get the police involved because we have been convinced that we can trust the elders and the organisation , and to trust and have faith that god knows all the facts and can read hearts and will deal with it in his time scale and encouraged to leave it with him and not to bring reproach on his name..
I did on two occasions. One the 2and occasion, the father I told to tell the police went to an elder that was older than me to see if it was ok.......
I then got a call from our circuit overseer and he met with me and two other elders to discipline me. As an elder I should have known better. Lol
That same evening after the meeting was over he told me he had to follow protocol but if he was in my position he would have done the same thing... go figure