Black people will always be the group that is looked at as being expected to do something wrong or illegal. Im fine with it being this way, I just wish it didn't have to be.
Again this generally happens when I go to areas with what is suppose to be inclusive white people. If I stay in my rural "redneck" areas this rarely happens. Howvever when I go to Charlotte or Raleigh these things happen. When I use to work and travel to areas like Boston, LA it was painfully obvious.
However when I spentbtime in areas that were suppose to be full of racists and backward southerners this never happened.
I am not looking for sympathy. I just understand in America most people are prejudiced, myself included. The racists however tend to be the people who constantly call others racists. I hate to pin it on political parties but I generally see the racist tendencies and those who perpetuate privilege are of the party that happens to be democrats