Whenever someone tells me something along those lines, I will direct them to the video below. Donald Trump is not perfect, but he for damn sure is better than ANY alternative on the democratic side. Joe Biden however, sounds like a fucking crazy person. He is asked a question and no one, I REPEAT no one can follow what he is saying. I can not fathom how anyone with an ounce of sense can vote for this senile old man. Just listen to how scatter brained his thoughts are:
JoinedPosts by silentbuddha
I’m Seeing Some Trump Fatigue Out There
by minimus ini’ve heard from a few trump voters that they are getting tired of the whole trump thing.
one person yesterday said he lies.
another person said she hears from her clients in her business that the constant drama and push back from all sides against trump is fatiguing.. i remind people that before this worldwide pandemic, we had the best numbers in jobs.
Do You Believe Polls Saying Trump Will Lose To Biden?
by minimus ina new fox poll says biden is up by 12 percentage points.
of course, most other polls say trump will be trounced this time around.. do you think the polls might be right this time?
Black Men are not voting for Joe Biden. Sad-u-see is right, black men won't vote for her and neither will most black people period. She is not African American in the truest sense (atleast in the eyes of many Black Americans). Many Black Americans at this point in time are not interested in immigrants that claim to be Black American when it suits them but then do not support Black Americans in general.
Biden will look good on paper, but when that curtain is closed you will see a much larger number of Black Americans vote for Trump than the last time around.
Black Lives Matter—Do You Agree With Their Philosophy?
by minimus ini agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
Atleast the groups in the 60's had reason for the things they did and the rhetoric. THe entire civilized world expereienecd higher crime rates during the 60's. During that time period black people were literally fighting to gain civil rights they didn't have.
This flock of people are living during a time of relative piece in comparison to decades and centuries past. THE BLM movement is only hurting race relations in this country and ushering in more crime and violence.
Liberals generally infiltrate the movements of minority groups. THey act as if they are friends and make the movements about whatever their political agenda actually is. BLM is no different.
Black Lives Matter—Do You Agree With Their Philosophy?
by minimus ini agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
BLM is controlling the minds of young idiotic children who are not capable of coherent decision making and do not have an understanding of the past. Last night in Charlotte NC (which is a southern city, but populated by mostly people from the NE and West), the tore down multiple confederate statues. What turns my stomach as well as other black people above the age of 25 is watching them literally tie a noose around the neck of these statues and hang them from stop lights. When I watched this on the news I literally felt sick.
I am an actually black person old enough (in my 40's) who has a parent (80's) who had a family member beaten to death in VA in the 1940's because he owned a store and the white folks didn't like it. I heard vivd stories of what happened to my fathers father as well. Anyone who has heard that history from a person who lived it WOULD NEVER SUPPORT OR CONDONE WHAT WAS TAKING PLACE LAST NIGHT.
Worse still, many black people still cringe just thinking about it. How was that act repeated last night. Well notice who is in the crowd, notice the vast majority of fucking idiots out there doing this. BLM and these fucking stooges are just refreshing ideas in the minds of lunatics who will once again go back to this type of actvity. BLM is acting like a terrorist organization and black lesbians and immigrants are the ones leading it.
Black Lives Matter—Do You Agree With Their Philosophy?
by minimus ini agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
I can't say enough that many black people do not support the BLM movement and spoke out against it and they still do. Multiple guests have appeared on news stations speaking out against this organization. For instance, they consistently build on the concept of destroying the patriarchy and try to alienate STRAIGHT black males from leadership roles and focus attention on single-mothers and LGBTQ+ couples and many male black activists speak out against this because they focus on the destruction of the nuclear family. THIS IS IN THE MISSION STATEMENT of the organization.
They are focused on the POC moniker as opposed to BLACK issues which upsets many people in the black community. They also have an extremely heavy focus on immigrant rights which many members of the black community are not in favor of.
They heavily promote abortion in the Black Community.
The group was founded by:
1. Alicia Garza a black lesbian female who grew up in a mixed-race family (in ultra-liberal California) who is married to a white... transgender... male... (a woman who transitioned to a man)
2. Patrice Cullors a black lesbian who is a self-proclaimed "marxist, who is married to a mixed-race (east-indian and Black) lesbian from Toronto who describes herself as a queer, gender-nonconforming boxer whose main focus was and has always been immigrant rights and destruction of the so-called police-state. Patrice also has ALWAYS fought for police reform and shutting down prisons.
3. Opal Tometi a Nigerian whose family made it here as ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. She happens to be not just a feminist but a trans-national-feminist due to her parents illegal residence in this country. Her main focus (out of her own mouth) is feminist rights and the rights of immigrants and promtion of opening borders. Before BLM she worked to prevent local residents in Arizona from expelling illegals from Mexico. She is a major player in BAJI which stands for "BLACK ALLIANCE for JUST IMMIGRATION" that promotes to improve the life of Afro-Latinos, African and Carribean immigrants in the USA. By the way she is MARRIED TO A WHITE MAN who she referred to as a racist, who she later says she doesn't believe he is racist.
Maybe this explains why nearly every single rally the VAST majority of the people are young millennials who are taught all this liberal crap in school, single mothers and the vast majority of the rest are confused young white kids and members of ANTIFA.
This is not a Black movement and many people know this and speak about it, but no media outlets will discuss this or bring attention to the many black people who have issues with the movement.
“White Privilege”
by minimus inlately that’s all i’ve been hearing about!
i’m sick and tired of listening to white people begging for forgiveness simply because they are white.
in a nearby town, a six year old girl asked her mom, “ why don’t we have a black lives matter march here?
Black people will always be the group that is looked at as being expected to do something wrong or illegal. Im fine with it being this way, I just wish it didn't have to be.
Again this generally happens when I go to areas with what is suppose to be inclusive white people. If I stay in my rural "redneck" areas this rarely happens. Howvever when I go to Charlotte or Raleigh these things happen. When I use to work and travel to areas like Boston, LA it was painfully obvious.
However when I spentbtime in areas that were suppose to be full of racists and backward southerners this never happened.
I am not looking for sympathy. I just understand in America most people are prejudiced, myself included. The racists however tend to be the people who constantly call others racists. I hate to pin it on political parties but I generally see the racist tendencies and those who perpetuate privilege are of the party that happens to be democrats
“White Privilege”
by minimus inlately that’s all i’ve been hearing about!
i’m sick and tired of listening to white people begging for forgiveness simply because they are white.
in a nearby town, a six year old girl asked her mom, “ why don’t we have a black lives matter march here?
Growing up in a black crime infested neighborhood in the 90s I was told by my parents to be respectful to police. Do not have my hands in my pockets because they shoot first or see u as a threat. That guidance during that time period was lifesaving.
If you live in one of these communities you would understand that. I understand the fear some cops had, however some were bad and were trigger happy.
White privilege. I think it amounts to just being able to kove through life in the USA without being seen.
3 days ago I was in line at a Cabelas (gunstore) where in this year alone I have spent well over 10 thousand dollars. I was there with 3 other white friends of mine we were buying ammo for a run and gun course. There was a long line. We all had basically the same items. There was a long line. 2 of my friends paid and when it was my turn the young lady wanted to see my drivers license and I was paying with a debit card. I laughed. My buddy asked her why she asked only me when the people in front of us and none of them were asked.
She just stood there and l[ned at me and said sorry....
Couple of months ago my wife's family came to visit. 5 of us went to a very nice restaurant. We were asked to pay for our meal before we were even served. These things happen fairly frequently to me and my wife.
I am a successful guy, not trying to gloat or be a dick but I am fairly well-off. I am sure these things occasionally happen to everyone, but they happen to me and my family consistently.
My daughter was in a private school, and at the parent teacher night in front of everyone there one of the parents assumed my child was on a scholarship. I could go on and on with this sort of stuff. Basically I will never be able to go anywhere without the worst being thought of me. I am fine with it, but it would be nice to not have to deal with it
dump google
by phoenixrising ini have noticed as of late that google searches are heavily filtering searches and shopping.
i know they keep track and monitor your activity but when i can not find things or articles because they don't fit googles bs naritive its time to leave.
duck duck go is my replacement.
You changing search engines does very little in your quest to stay hidden from big business.
If you have a cellphone regardless if operating system your every move is tracked.
Apps you download do the same.
Its almost funny to listen to people act like not using Google puts you on 007 level standards of privacy
dump google
by phoenixrising ini have noticed as of late that google searches are heavily filtering searches and shopping.
i know they keep track and monitor your activity but when i can not find things or articles because they don't fit googles bs naritive its time to leave.
duck duck go is my replacement.
Just hope you don't have a cellphone because you are bring tracked in a variety of other ways that you can't stop...
Should graffiti go as well as the confederate statues?
by newsheep inon the news tonight as the blacks are bringing down the confederate statues they are wanting to keep the graffiti up as a remembrance of what happened to their ancestors.
then why do away with the statues?
it doesn't make sense to me or am i missing something here?
Please be sensible and recognize that literally 70 percent of these fucktards are your white friends and their kids