I love AMERICA . I am a black male, and i have experienced all the ugly stuff that comes with it. My father lived in the same home as his grandmother who was a slave.
They were sharecroppers and they experienced the worst of the worst. However, even as a witness he always said he loved the freedom of this country. He had 9 brothers, 5 who died in wars, from ww2 to Vietnam. They all loved this country and what it stood for when if they never got to experience ALL that it had to offer.
I've been lucky and worked hard andthings worked in my favor so that I can say I am well off.
This country has issues, but what offers the rest of the world is beyond compare and no where else measures up.
James Brown says it best...
I have been to over 30 countries and some I have spent considerable time in. America is still the place I have been treated the best