She has posted 43 times, and has used the term I spoke of in 39 of them. Of the 4 posts that the term is not mentioned 2 of them are bleeding heart posts about women being oppressed.
The other 2 simply say:
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115% }Apparently a glitch here on this line. <---- This is the actual text
2. p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115% }What false beliefs do I have?
A person can be whatever they want. I don't care, but if 90.69767441860465% of my posts stated that I was a Black man, and the other 9.30232558139535% of my posts stated I was oppressed I am sure it would be obvious and probably become a topic of conversation at some point.
Minimus, I guess your elder's book is showing... LOL