im not from pheonix however nill bne in gila bend again in about a week. i will be there for a few if any of yall wanna meetup youll probly have to swing by motel and pick me up. as i wont have my own vehicle really like to meet some single exjw ladies.or some actives that i can spoil there jw fruit
JoinedPosts by recoveringexjw
Anyone from Redding California?
by Ladyruby ini was raised in redding california and would love to meet others that live or lived there.
i was there from 1968 until 1982 and then moved to the burney california area.
love to all and blessed be, .
i beilieve mike and lisas last name is johnson or something i went to there wedding malmost 30 yrs ago. it was held at the sacramento east congregation on kiefer blvd in sac. last time i saw mike was 22 yrs ago he was dfd at the time. did you ever meet a leigh ann and jim clark?if u did leigh ann is my mother . mike and lisa have a daughter and my sis hangs out with her a lot.
New Designs for Bethel Submitted Last week
by Gizmo in.
below are the blue prints for the new bethel headquarters in new york .
ha ha he he very funny
Questions to ponder - Apostacy
by JoeSomebody ina couple questions came to mind as i read some posts.
i know many of you are not jw's any longer.
my definition is one that abandons the true worship of jehovah both in action and word, inside and outside the congregation.
roses are red. violets are an apostate and now so are you!!!!!!!! welcome to the board joe
New Designs for Bethel Submitted Last week
by Gizmo in.
below are the blue prints for the new bethel headquarters in new york .
i laughed so hard i shit my pants
Turn On/ Turn Off ...Let's have some fun!
by Spartacus inwhat turns you off and what turns you on?
any subject :).
turn on: a woman who is a lady during the day and a sweet lover at night .
turn off:a woman who stays in a abusive relationship and doesnt leave. TURN ON: a woman who st6ands up for herself her rights and liberties and loves herself and doesnt gtive a fat rats ass what anyone else thinks of her
Funny Instructions
by WildTurkey insome examples of why the human race has probably evolved as far as possible.
these are actual instruction labels on consumer goods.... .
on sears hairdryer:.
i laughed so hard i almost shit my pants.
just when i thought my mom is getting smart
by recoveringexjw injust whe i thought my mother was getting smart and actually starting thinking for herself she goes and gets married for the 5th time to another witless one
well it turns out he was an elder at one time but resigned due to disagreements hes had with the hes just starting to think about things .he promised me he would check out sais it wont influence his thinking either way but i do beilieve he will be among the ranks of the addicts.
Ex-JW Conventions and Support Groups
by Yizuman inhas anyone ever attended any ex-jw conventions?
like the one in new ringgold, pa where joan cetnar who is a former jw that hosts the convention every year?.
what about support groups?
every month theres an exjw meetup day its normally at 5 pm on the first saturday all over the world . there may bee one near you. to find out more heres my addy [email protected]
just when i thought my mom is getting smart
by recoveringexjw injust whe i thought my mother was getting smart and actually starting thinking for herself she goes and gets married for the 5th time to another witless one
my new stepdad emailed me to get aquainted turns out hes been annelder for over 20 yrs. i in turn emailed him my very long apostate opinion of the awaiting a reply.