JoinedPosts by recoveringexjw
ARE YOU FAIR MINDED???? Well we'll see...
by HaitianBoston inpedophile paradise.... too bad bill could not substanciate this accusation.... yes we do have pedophile in our ranks.... but bill 23,000 where the hell did you get that figure....(i want proof damnit).
yes we do have problems within the organisation.... yes, some elders have been on a power trip for a long time.... yes, there have been many doctrinal changes..... why would witnesses on certain countries allowed to vote why people in the us cannot even harbor.
the thought of voting.... i hope bill bowen does not get disfellowship...cause if he is he will no longer able to drum up supports among true diehard, dedicated witnesses to the cause.. most people up in here are deleberately bashing the organisation.... why?
by Mary ini would have to say the worst (aka: funniest) thing i ever did at a meeting was when i sat with the circuit overseer and his wife (many moons ago......) .
anyway, he was really prim and proper and she was of course, a very submissive wife who barely spoke without her husbands permission.
anyway, he goes to the platform and starts off by asking th audience: who was ahab?
i was 12 yrs old and had the priveledge of passing the was on a thursday night service meeting and this older sister raised her hand and the other guy passing the mic got to her first i wisperd shit and the mic picked it up boy was my ass blue trhat nite
Anyone from Redding California?
by Ladyruby ini was raised in redding california and would love to meet others that live or lived there.
i was there from 1968 until 1982 and then moved to the burney california area.
love to all and blessed be, .
Kingdom Hall burned down
by Mulan ini just heard that the tumwater washington (near olympia) kingdom hall burned down today.
my friend said it was on the news, and dubs were being interviewed.
by blondie in
and in a news conference tuesday in pasadena, e!
seemed more than ready to treat smith like a human cartoon.
heres an interesting job for unemployed ex jws . go door to door selling no jehovahs witnesses signs
Anyone ever rub elbows with a Celebrity?
by RubyTuesday inwhen i was in the sixth grade in roswell n.m. i met this girl whos father had recently father had also passed away recently.we were both very shy and haveing the lose of our fathers in common we stuck together that year.we never did anything outside of school however, not sure why,she never invited me over and now i think it was because of her horrible home life.but we ate lunch together everyday and chated in a class we shared.i never saw her again until..... when i was in my 20's my cousins wife told me that my friend demetria guynes was....... drum roll..plz.
demi moore.
please share simular stories.
on september 1st of 1999 i was living in a small flee bag motel in murfreesboro tennessee called the murfreesboro motel tracy byrd country singer was shoo5ting a video in room number 165. after the shoot i got a picture taken with him and he gave me his personal baseball cap he wore all the time to give to my son
anyone know a lisa johnson
by Shandoria Johnson inmy name is lisa shandoria johnson i was originally from new jersey and i am not afraid to share my personal information.
i was known only by lisa johnson.
i am free and very happy.
Anyone from Minnesota?
by scootergirl inlooking for anyone from the st. cloud congregations (i was in the north one)...or surrounding areas.
oh heck, anyone from minnesota is fine!
does anyone remember the deremers in anoka i beuilieve darrin is an elder in brooklyn park but i may be wrong
by minimus ini have read many opinions about jw's being a cult.a dictionary describes cult as a system of religious beliefs and ritual .. some have viewed even major religions as a cult, such as the roman catholic church.based upon webster almost anybody or anything that is viewed as ritualistic could be said to be cultic.when someone tries to negate jehovah's witnesses by using.
the "cult" word, i believe they are not seeing that many others could legitimately be regarded as a cult or at least "cultic".therefore the word loses alot of meaning.
some have said that the watchtower is a cult because of the control factor.
i dont know about yall but im an apostate cultist and proud huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa usausausausausa salute the flag or die u communist pig. vote for bush or ill burn your pubic hairs with a blow torch. aqnother thing if u dont serve in your nations military and now then you will spend eternity in paradice with a bunch of child molesters. ok ok im a little warped but who cares
Antique Collectible Watchtower Magazines
by AndrewSFO ini have a collection of antique collectible watchtower magazines i am interested in selling.
can anyone give me an idea what i should charge, and is anyone interested in them?.
the collection includes 20 issues from the 1930's.