Quarterback - He was correct in telling you that he is not a Creationist. The Creationists believe that a Creative day was 24 hrs long.
No, JW's are creationists. Maybe they aren't "young earth creationists", but they are still creationists by any sensible meaning of the word.
Quarterback - I don't believe in Evolution because I believe that our wonderful planet, and Solar system is so amazing that it couldn't be a matter of chance, it was created by a intelligent designer.
What has the formation of the universe got to do with Evolution? You do realise that most mainstream Christians accept Evolution, even if God/Jehovah created the universe?
Quarterback - It's not only JW's that believe in Creation that way, but many other intelligent people do as well.
The only people who believe in creationism (as opposed to Evolution) are members of fundamentalist christian churches, or Muslim. In fact many practicing Muslims believe evolution occurs.
Further, I suspect the only reason anyone believes in creationism in this day and age, is that they had a childhood indoctrination to that effect. You can't get to a Genesis version of history by logic, deduction or reason.