One of my in-law relatives uses the term a lot.
To me, it sounds so Orwellian, I feel a slight urge to giggle when I hear it.
it's amazing how the expression "the truth" has become such an ingrained term used by witnesses.. "we have 'the truth'".
"is he 'in the truth'?".
most here have found out so many facts about the organisation, and felt the effects of being "gut-punched" as we realised these facts.. so how do you feel about the expression "the truth" now?.
One of my in-law relatives uses the term a lot.
To me, it sounds so Orwellian, I feel a slight urge to giggle when I hear it.
a. in 2026 in what state do you think the organization will be?.
) 9million + members.
) roughly the same amount of members as today (7-9 million)..
i occasionally come on this website because i have my eyes on a particular user.
because of that, i end up reading a lot of people's post.
although very interesting and hurt breaking, a lot of them are very strange.
My 2 cents worth.
Secondly, if there are kids involved, one can't just think of oneself. In our situation, my wife takes my kids to meetings and field service. I actually don't know to what extent they believe the crap. However, there is no way I am going to abandon them to a shyster organisation that discourages higher education and actually wants to ruin their future.
Thirdly, for some, the financial aspects of walking out are potentially devastating.
I have thought a lot about whether it is disloyal to contribute to these bloggs. On one level, yes. However, my wife is being controlled by a parasitic organisation that, by design, contributes absolutely nothing of worth to society or humankind. It is the parasitic organisation I am up against, not my wife.
I am here mostly to learn about WTBT$ (something I should have done long ago) so I know what I am up against and how to fight it. I also to do my tiny little bit to oppose that organisation. I also ultimately want to leave the world a better place than how I found it. The world would be a better place if there is no Watchtower using Jehovah's name to suck up all the time and energy of so many good people on pointless marketing to fellow Christians.
I should also add that my wife actually knows I have occasionally read apostate websites. (She is upset that I have. She says they are full of bitter people with "agendas", are controlled by Satan, and that I should read to understand the organisation.)
In summary, I consider I am fighting WTBT$, not my wife, and my conscience is clear.
this article suggests that there are projects being halted, but chelmsford isn't one of them.
can someone from the uk tell me if this article was written by a reputable and known publisher?
plans for huge jehovah's witnesses hq continues.
Sorry correct link:
this article suggests that there are projects being halted, but chelmsford isn't one of them.
can someone from the uk tell me if this article was written by a reputable and known publisher?
plans for huge jehovah's witnesses hq continues.
Chelmsford clearly has significant contamination issues as well. See the following link:
Scroll down to the July 2015 update, for example.
crofton wins key role on jehovah's witnesses campus.
6 may 2015 | by yoosof farah.
engineer lands role on scheme that will predominantly be designed and constructed by volunteers.
There are some huge numbers and huge discrepancies on this thread in relation to Temple Farm. I did a bit of research. Here is how I see the likely actual figures (in rough ballpark terms).
A description of what is being built at Chelmsford is here:
Note that it states 112,500 sqm of "mixed use development". That would probably be gross floor area, as I read somewhere that it is only 22 acres (around 90,000 sqm). "Mixed use development" is a reference to the project containing both residential and non-residential, as I understand it.
A brief review on the internet suggests it would cost at least £800, or more per sqm to build something like that. (Obviously, that is just a guestimate.) Perhaps with volunteer labor, that might come down to, say, £500 per sqm, but I doubt it.
800 x 112,500 = £90 million. That is just a ballpark figure. It could be way off. Also, that is only the cost to build. It does not include the original purchase cost, printing presses etc. It sounds as though there are some significant site contamination issues to resolve as well, which would be expensive to resolve.
£90 million is a big project for the UK branch to take on, if the following link to their financial statements is correct:
That financial statement, compared to earlier ones (I haven't included) suggest that they have pulled together £50 million in cash, presumably for this project.
I don't believe the completed project would be saleable for anything like £3 billion, later. It is not like a house or a standard commercial building. Any future owner would have to modify it extensively to suit. The project may only be worth land value when complete. I don't know the area, and have never been there, but I tried to get a rough idea of land value in the area, using real estate websites. It seemed to me 22 (uncontaminated) acres in that area may be worth £20 to 50 million, but I could be way out.
This does not look like a real-estate play to me, as it would be too difficult to on-sell on completion. It seems like a project conceived in better times, but is now in difficulty. I note there is another thread where there is a rumor that only one part will be built.
By the way, I am not an expert on any of this. There must be others in a much better position to comment.
this article suggests that there are projects being halted, but chelmsford isn't one of them.
can someone from the uk tell me if this article was written by a reputable and known publisher?
plans for huge jehovah's witnesses hq continues.
I just spoke with a brother who volunteers on security on the site, he told me there is lots of earth moving going on but its top secret.
He said they think there is something big being built underground at the site, and thats why most volunteers had to leave, there is only 30 or so left, the security volunteers are not allowed near the main project they have to stay in the forest areas.
I read elsewhere that it is a contaminated site. Remediating a contaminated site often involves a huge amount of earthworks, to remove the contamination. (Expensive too.)
That would be my guess.
experienced a series of odd coincidences today.
this morning i noticed a friend had "liked" a picture i had posted on facebook.
i hadn't spoken with him for a while so i texted him that we should get together to 'catch up' some time soon.
Paul, I now believe you are genuine. Apologies for doubting.
As Happeanna says, you handled an extraordinary and tragic day, brilliantly.
experienced a series of odd coincidences today.
this morning i noticed a friend had "liked" a picture i had posted on facebook.
i hadn't spoken with him for a while so i texted him that we should get together to 'catch up' some time soon.
Okay Paul, perhaps I am jumping to conclusions. If you are genuine, then I offer my genuine apologies.
experienced a series of odd coincidences today.
this morning i noticed a friend had "liked" a picture i had posted on facebook.
i hadn't spoken with him for a while so i texted him that we should get together to 'catch up' some time soon.