The following are a few ideas that come to mind for future articles. On each of them the JW's teach something diametrically opposed to what RC's teach:
- Was it a Cross or was it a Stake? You could go into history, archaeology, medical evidence etc. (You could point out that despite what JW's say, the only religion that requires you to believe the wooden implement was a specific shape, is JWism.)
- How to read the bible. Should it be read as a literal book of history and science, or is that missing the point.
- Is a belief in evolution inconsistent with a belief in God?
- What does the bible really teach about blood?
- Is it right or wrong to read the bible for yourself on your own, in order to interpret it? (You might mention Romans 14:1)
- Presumptuously speaking on behalf of God - False predictions, and what they indicate (Deut 18:20-22, Luke 21:8, Matthew 7:15, Matthew 24:11 and 24:22-27)
- How to interpret Revelations: Who was the "beast".
- Trinity: May be difficult to accept, but it is clearly in the bible, unless you "translate" it out.
- History of the use of "Jehovah" in bible translations. Also, why the word Yahweh appears in some parts of the bible but not others.
- Shunning: Would Jesus do it?
- Peddlers for profit (refer 2 Corinthians 2:17). A history of Watchtower and colportage.
- What does Jesus teach a Christian to do. (emphasis on charity, caring for poor, sick, unfortunate etc)