Imagine having a business where your customer just hand you their money, and you don't have to pay tax on it.
How could a religion ever go bust?!
Yes, you would think that they never could. Theoretically, any preacher could start a religion and impose a 10% tithe, and if that preacher were able to get just 10 adherents, then the preacher would earn an average income, tax free. Must be one of the easiest ways to make money around. And the one thing that every Christian denomination agrees, is that God needs your money.
But despite it all, religions do sometimes go broke. All that administration, poor management, and too many snouts in the trough. And tax free doesn't help if you are not making a profit.
Canadian stores have run a similar course to Watchtower.
Yes the Sears example is a good indication of what is likely to happen. There are differences, but I can't think of an example where a business has sold branches and later survived.
Ever since I saw the 'bunker' videos I have been waiting for the GB to announce that Armageddon has arrived, to send everyone off to their designated shelters, and then flee the country with their money to whatever off-shore bank account country will have them. Then I expect to see news accounts of bizarre shelter stories.
A few people have wondered if/when the Gov Body will run off with the money. They don't need to. They have your money already. They are more likely to take the approach Scientology seems to be taking; just let the religion die a slow death and keep milking it, hanging onto a big real estate empire. If all the dubs left, they would still have the money and assets, legally, and there is nothing anyone can do.
Anyway, that is my 2c worth.