Going back a page in this thread (been out and about):
My understanding is that, as a result, neither Pfizer nor BioNTech received any “Warp Speed” funding. About the only thing the Trump administration can take credit for, is getting both vaccines approved quickly.
They received a $2bn purchase order in advance of the vaccine being developed. Stop pretending there was no involvement.
According to Wikipedia, Operation Warp Speed delivered $10 billion to 6 companies or JVs, from 15 April to 11 August 2020, to develop a vaccine. Neither BioNTech nor Pfizer on the list. Details are here:
Note the quote:
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said that the company decided against taking Warp Speed funding for the development of the vaccine out of a desire "to liberate our scientists [from] any bureaucracy that comes with having to give reports and agree how we are going to spend the money in parallel or together
The government did however buy 100 million doses from Pfizer, at $19.95 each. 100 million x 19.95 = $1.95 billion. I presume this is the origin of the $2 billion figure. Here is a link to a news article on the purchase: