bikerchic: I am with you about the italian thing. May I borrow some industrial-sized nair please? ;)
Posts by jwbot
New Witness
by Rjmoss inhey everyone i am new here and a new witness, i have a question about it wrong or bad for a male to have one?
or is it just personal preference, because i have one, and i am not sure.
i dont where it to the meetings.
New Witness
by Rjmoss inhey everyone i am new here and a new witness, i have a question about it wrong or bad for a male to have one?
or is it just personal preference, because i have one, and i am not sure.
i dont where it to the meetings.
Rjmoss, you need to understand, some of us here are EX-JW's, some never have been, some currently are. This forum is for all to share in discussing the Jehovahs Witness religion.
I was born into the witness religion but never baptised. When I turned 18, I left out of my own accord. Only recently have my parents begun to talk to me again. Anyway if you are baptised, you will not be able to progress past that if you wear an earring as a JW. It is a "conscience matter" which means its your choice-but unofficially, it is NOT a conscience matter and the rule is you can not have one. There are many other unknown (to outsides and new ones) rules like that so make sure you know them all or you will make mistakes.
Some examples:
no earrings on men
no other piercings or more than a couple earrings for men and women
no beards
no watching rated R movies
no smurfs (haha)
no hanging out with friends who are worldly
Ok thats all I can think of right now.
Take care! -
Trying to get to know people on the JWD
by cindykp ini havent been here that long, and just trying to get to know a little more about the people im chatting with.
i know some dont want to share too much info, which i understand. divorced, have 3 kids, lived in florida for 15 years, now back home in wi.
First name? Jessie
Married? Not yet, but will be September 10, 2005
Single? No, living with the most wonderful guy, been together for 3 years
Gay? Only a little more gay than I am hetero. Um...a little left of center.
Kids? Eeek no! Don't plan on any at least for a little while...
Nice to meet ya! -
But I love fig newtons! Its not a cookie!!!
It's all the Jehovah's Witnesses Fault!!.......Or is it??
by ScoobySnax ini was just earlier reading holly's goodbye thread........what was good was to see alot on here wish her all the best in whatever path she chose to take.......nothing more, nothing less .i think that spoke volumes for the posters who wished these sentiments towards her.
to me it showed a maturity, a kind personality and to a greater degree, people that do genuinely care.
("good luck and we'll be here if you need us"....was a few of the replies from some) how refreshing that was!
link please??
My Pull-Ups Make Me Look Fat
by simplesally inyep!
she is 3 and a half years old and came up with that excuse as to why she cannot wear pull-ups with her nightgown.
i have no idea where she got that idea that she could ever ever look fat!!!!!
I honestly did not think a 3-1/2 year old was that self aware...that self consious! Even it was not really meant and she does not really think she is fat, I would really be worried about what is said around her or what outside influences she gets. Although it is a relief she does not think you or her is fat (but comments her father is a little..hehe cute!). As someone who has delt briefly with an ED and who has delt with a sister who has had a long-term (possibly forever) ED, this concerns me. I watched and heard my very skinny and petite mother comment (around us little girls) that she was fat, notice she would compliment me (the skinny one) but not my other sister (not so skinny, but not fat). This can be very damaging, and it was to me (because when I got older I was not the skinny one and I noticed the compliments stopped). She did not even realize she did this and still does not. Please please be consious of what is said infront of your daughter.
I am trying not to lecture...I do not have kids of my own though I hope to have a little girl in the future. -
Opposition to this site
by Crumpet ini have only been a recent user of this site.
the other night i explained what it was i was spending time reading online some evenings when my boyfriend is out and tried to explain how it is helping me finally let go of the jw beliefs that i have clung to for so long.
i thought he would be pleased, but he got really angry and now is very difficult any time i try to use the internet at home.
"My husband began to feel left out, it seems, so I began to share some of the posts with him that I thought would interest him. We've had some excellent discussions that have grown out of them. So, he's gone from frequently saying something like, "Why do you waste your time on that site??" to asking how so-n-so is doing now. He's gotten quite savvy on the JW culture!"
This is who Mike and I are. The think is, you need to tell your boyfriend that this site is IMPORTANT to you and the healing process. Perhaps he would have felt otherwise if you were sexually abused and frequented support sites? To me, coming out from being a JW is very life-changing and as dramatic to ones mental health. He needs to understand this. My fiance Mike knows how much being a JW has taken from me and how getting out of the religion was very difficult. He is very happy that I am able to get support from people who have been through the same time. -
Leading double life
by JustTickledPink ini ran into a young jw i hadn't seen in probably 12 years, anyways, she was the presiding overseer's daughter, perfect little jw... she's now 25 yoa, she is still an active witness and in fact a sympathizer to their crap but dressed in a low cut top, belly showing, carrying a beer, trolling for guys out a hot spot on a friday night with a "worldly" friend.. she talked to me for 5 mins and told me she had been df'd for a year but how horrible it was, she is reinstated and doing good..... but everything about her looks said she wasn't a good little jw.. i think more and more hypocrites are being raised in the organization.
i wouldn't be able to stand leading a double life, i would much rather be honest and not hiding who and what i am... but there are more young jws, including ones i would never suspect, that are jws by day, and regular people at night.
i think they are falling into the "sunday morning christians" mentality and carrying tons of guilt around with them.. i just wish they would wake up.
"You know tickled, I don't know if i would call what i and some of my contemporaries did as leading a double life. i mean i never put on any airs at the KH, every pretty much could tell i wasn't with the program, i went because i had no choice in the matter and being a good kid i didn't raise hell and rebel in real loud and obvious ways, but neither did i stick my hand up at the meeting and tell everybody the things i did that weren't according to WBTS teaching. i would call it suffering in silence until i was old enough to do as i pleased."
Hey, thats a great way to put it! That was my situation. I could not exactly call myself a hypocrate, because I had never stated I beleived (while doing things that showed I did not believe). I would say "I disagree with this..." etc.. I felt those who acted goodie-goodie and tried real hard to make people believe they were...while doing other things, THOSE were the hypocrates. But everyones situation is different, so I can not exactly blame them either.
Tickled...I did not mean to imply that you were being hard on her. Its a very difficult place for those who have been there, or are there currently. Most people understand that. -
Leading double life
by JustTickledPink ini ran into a young jw i hadn't seen in probably 12 years, anyways, she was the presiding overseer's daughter, perfect little jw... she's now 25 yoa, she is still an active witness and in fact a sympathizer to their crap but dressed in a low cut top, belly showing, carrying a beer, trolling for guys out a hot spot on a friday night with a "worldly" friend.. she talked to me for 5 mins and told me she had been df'd for a year but how horrible it was, she is reinstated and doing good..... but everything about her looks said she wasn't a good little jw.. i think more and more hypocrites are being raised in the organization.
i wouldn't be able to stand leading a double life, i would much rather be honest and not hiding who and what i am... but there are more young jws, including ones i would never suspect, that are jws by day, and regular people at night.
i think they are falling into the "sunday morning christians" mentality and carrying tons of guilt around with them.. i just wish they would wake up.
Don't be too hard on her...maybe "doing good" to her (as she is reinstated) means "keeping sane, and not being shun". Maybe she needs to get out in order to not feel oppressed...yet she needs to be reinstated so her parents and family will talk to her. As a teenager I had to lead a double life because I just wanted to be a normal teen. What else could I do? I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Saying you do not believe the religion (baptized or not, teen, child or adult) will change your life and the way your family treats you.
I would get specifics from her, perhaps she needs a support system so she can step completely out? She wants to have a normal life but at the same time, does not want to be shunned. I can sympathize with that. -
jwbot, because she does not stand out. :(
meh, ignore me, its one of those days...