I was just earlier reading Holly's goodbye thread........what was good was to see alot on here wish her all the best in whatever path she chose to take.......nothing more, nothing less .I think that spoke volumes for the posters who wished these sentiments towards her. To me it showed a maturity, a kind personality and to a greater degree, people that do genuinely care. ("Good luck and we'll be here if you need us"....was a few of the replies from some) How refreshing that was!
Then there was posts from others. If not openely ridiculing her by saying that she deserves the JW's and vice versa, to statements like "I found her post presumptious" quickly followed by "We'll be here to pick up the pieces when you come crawling back" LOL.....I mean how "presumptious" is that?? Of course a couple others just were plain nasty, to me all thats so sad and yet laughable. You see, call me presumptious or not, if these types would step outside the clique group they have now joined, they would see that they really haven't jumped further than they might like to have imagined they have. We are right, you are wrong. Lets run you down.
I will never understand who have absolutely nothing but negativity about the JWs, it borders on a kind of hatred. It must fulfill some need, but I'm not sure what. In effect, sitting behind a screen reading it, it sounds like the worst kind of elder you ever knew, having no compassion, understanding or reasoning abilities......I think alot of us knew at least one of them and knew how it felt.
If I can be "patronising" once again....... Thanks to all the posters that just accepted that she had made her own mind up, moved on, and wished her well. It was good to hear.