"Retired Publisher" - what a little gem, thank you for that! I shall be using that! ;-)
as much as i enjoy you and pete's company, you also know our understanding of how much we want you to be reunited with jehovah and his people.. .
we did not set the standards for what jehovah says about our associations with those who choose to not serve him.
so we will always be there for you and pete, but it is in your hands as to how we can enjoy your friendship.. .
"Retired Publisher" - what a little gem, thank you for that! I shall be using that! ;-)
the wtbts is not being given special room rates by 2 major hotels at the long beach convention center area for the upcoming 2020 regional conventions & wt is t'd off.
letters are being read in surrounding circuits and congregations.
apparently wt is afraid that other hotels are going to blackball them as well.. has anyone else heard this?
Re: "It isNOT NOT NOT about the price, and getting a better rate for the "friends", as we have all thought."
I agree! I always found that I can get a better deal when booking for a convention at a non-recommended hotel myself and not revealing I'm booking as a witness for a convention.
And I know for sure that here in Pargue hotels pay 15% kick-back to agencies bringing guests. I believe it's this agency fee that the WT is going after while pretending it has negotiated favorable terms for the "friends".
i haven’t been on here in awhile and this is my second user name because i was busted by my pimi wife on the first one.
i have been basically awake since 2013. i have a super dub wife that i love and don’t want to lose and my sick mom in the hall that is a true believer.
stupid religion has gotten between my wife and i (of course).
Do you think you could use this opportunity in a way that would backfire on them? If they are breaking protokol and overreaching, could you meet with them, meekly let them do their thing, and only then step down. In your resignation letter (so that it goes permanently on record) you could explain that their lack of christian love leading to their ABUSE of "theocratic arrangement" is the real reason for your resignation. If it was me, I would be very tempted to take those ar*****les down with me. If they intend to question your qualification as an elder, could you perhaps use this opportunity to reveal that in fact they are wolfs in sheep skin? I would even try to record the meeting. I think you have a precious opportunity to gain your freedom looking like a victim, while they are risking that they end up looking really bad not only in the eyes of the congregation but also your COBE and CO, with a bit of luck they could even end up blacklisted. From my experience, they wouldn't like that at all.
our goal is to help our bible student to grow spiritually.. .
as his love for jehovah grows, however, he will likely begin to think about how he can help others, including those who are already part of the congregation.
Simplified WT:
Our goal is to help our Bible student to grow spiritually.
. . .
and send the money!
has anyone else seen the netflix documentary “explained: cults”?
i thought it was well done.
i feel like a jw might watch it and feel uncomfortable as the show goes through the definition of cults and then the step by step indoctrination process.
today's text.
the jailer and his (probably totally surprised) household was baptized right away.
by contrast jesus was an unbaptized publisher for 18 years.
You are right, he would likely be "encouraged" to report his time after "listening to them and asking them questions". Luke 2:46 (NIV) ;-)
And as there are no reports of him "publishing" in the course the next 6 months, he would be soon labeled inactive and dealt with appropriately...
today's text.
the jailer and his (probably totally surprised) household was baptized right away.
by contrast jesus was an unbaptized publisher for 18 years.
I'm a bit confused by the "Jesus was an unbaptized publisher for 18 years". I thought he started his ministry AFTER his baptism. Also, wasn't he allegedly about 30 yers old when he got baptized. And finally, did he ever owned or slaved for a publishing house (business for commercial production of literature, music, art, etc.) by forcing pamphlets or other written marketing material onto householders and passerby?
i know i already created a post about this a week or so ago, but i have a little more to add to it.
i was watching it again and taking some notes this time.
the speaker lists these reasons for people having anxieties:.
Words of wisdom! Than you BourneIdentity.
Look very much like propaganda pictures from WTBTS literature. Yet another flavour of totalitarian ideology.
Pictures from Soviet Union would typically have lot more red colored elements in them. While Nazi propaganda would be showing strong young men in snappy black uniforms from Hugo Boss ;-)