Ozzie, if you are implying a rouge Bethelite put the announcement up that Tony Morris is no long gov body then he also scrubbed his name from all the lists of gov body members?
a bit like the rouge artists in Bethel who sneaked in a lot of hidden imagery over the years and now the branch is trying to back and change it.
no it’s a definite thing Tony is no more Gov body. But his broadcasts and covid updates haven’t yet been taken down, you can still watch the one where he says “a church said these vaccines were the work of the devil” and then “ go get vaccinated “
Im amazed they haven’t scrubbed all those covid updates yet. These will not age well.
good hung the internet is a go back in time
machine. Once it’s been said online there is no way you can ever go back and scrub it. There were a few good apostate channels doing rebuttals to all the covid updates and they have the originals on their channels in case the branch tries to scribble out the stupid things they said about vaccines and being fully vaxed.
they are guilty of spreading dangerous misinformation and recommending dangerous medical treatments that are increasingly becoming harmful yet they are still insisting on being fully vaxed up