Some of those events on my list no doubt were still MIPO mentally in physically out.
One of the incidents the sister who took a gun and killed her adult children then her husband then killed herself. Oh she also killed the dog.
she wrote in her suicide note that she wanted to kill herself but didn’t want her family to go through that so decided to kill them all as well, and then she said they would understand in the resurrection.
yes if you are mentally still in then you believe you will wake up in the new world immediately after you die.
So this sets a pattern others mentally in and struggling with mental health problems may think why not end this suffering and just go straight to the new world, I mean if it’s true then why wait?
and then just like that sister you think about the effect on your loved ones if you kill yourself, well why not give them a fast track to paradise as well?????
This has been the teaching of many a cult responsible for many deaths
just shows how dangerous cult teaching can be.