I have been an elder for a long time and still am. Although I’m agnostic which means I won’t commit to either intelligent design or chance.
what I can tell you is that there is a rapidly declining number of brothers who want to reach out as it’s called.
standards are lowering age is lowering but still there is a shortage of brothers who accept being an appointed man.
our elders meetings going over brothers who we think could reach out are showing huge decline in expectations.
years ago a brother never would have been considered for various reasons but now he is being asked but usually they say no thanks. Life is hard enough why take on all that o top of what I’m already dealing with.
The CO is asking brothers to just take it on, he says Jehovah will help you.
result is in many congregations there are some brothers becoming elders who would not have years ago.
but there is such a shortage now sometimes sister are doing microphones
there is not enough brothers to do all the jobs and they are not getting done well