I wonder if there will be an article on JW.org entitled “Why so many excess deaths since the vaccines?” Or “Don’t believe the antivaxers”
Or will we get another WTower article saying “Follow direction from the GB even if you don’t understand why” here is the first paragraph-
1. Why should you follow direction from the governing body even if you don’t agree with it?
1. During the pandemic there was a lot of disinformation and it was hard to know what was true and what was not. The faithful and discreet slave class received direction from Jehovah that it was safe to take the vaccines and this is why it was on all the updates and broadcasts to be fully vaccinated. Some doubted these vaccines were safe or effective but are we not so pleased that we have direction we can trust so that we know for sure that the vaccines are safe and effective? In the future if there is direction that is hard to understand we just need to think back to the direction to be fully vaccinated and how safe and effective this direction was.