Agnostic people often say that they are very open to the Truth regardless what that Truth is. But someone in your situation need to pretend and lie on daily basis. I don't know if you or anyone finds the Truth this way. That just my opinion. For me GB pushing that experimental treatment was also clear signal that they are on the wrong side. But I decided not to support them and I just faded. Although I struggle oftentimes I still got faith and I'm sure God will bring justice. If you like studying the Bible I recommend Psalm 73 in this regard. Best wishes
Person thanks for being the this thread back in point đź‘Ź
I know for sure the gov body were wrong to give direction to be fully vaccinated but that doesn’t mean they are wrong about everything.
I think they are very imperfect humans living in a Bible and have no idea about real life in the real world.
The Bible is a very special book and the JWs in my opinion have the best grasp of it. All the intro videos of each new book and all reference guides and pictures.
I personally love study the Bible and using JW as well as any other good sources
I also love the weekly Bible reading we go deep on about four chapters per week and give comments at the meetings
many in my cong like to go really deep and we talk about the weeks Bible reading all week long. Many find things that I didn’t know and very interesting.
we are not afraid to say this doesn’t make sense? Or I don’t understand this? And eventually we all get to the bottom of it.
I haven’t told anyone my thought on the direction to be fully vaxed but reading between the lines I think a growing number are coming over to my way of thinking.
I hope one day it is common knowledge that the GB made a very big and very serious mistake pushing the lethal injections