“Wonder if $ was given to Watchtower too? @ 22:15 ”
This is huge. Yes its easier to take silver than lead.
Threaten or bribe.
Well in the case of the vaccines there was so much money involved all along the line it was a case of both.
All organised religions went along with pushing the vax. This was partly from threats and partly other incentives like tax exemptions and the like.
I really thought at the start of the madness that the Borg would remain neutral. Then we started getting word that each vaccine did not contain blood so it was ok to take.
Next thing we had very forceful direction to be fully vaccinated and then they pushed the propaganda every month with the gov body updates which should have been called the “please keep taking the vaccines” updates.
David Spain even said about keeping yourself fully vaccinated “you may wonder what these brothers know, wrong question. What does Jehovah know”
They gave the Biblical example of that one chap who was told to go bath in the river to be cured of his illness and said all we have been asked to do keep taking these injections!