If I left altogether POMO then I would feel I miss so many people who I have known all my life. Some I know very well and some I know a little but want to keep in touch over the years.
Its having that thing in common even if I think the GB are wrong about lots of things, It’s having that thing in common that is why JWs all have such good close friends.
All through history and all around the world there were groups of friends that shared an ideology or common interest that brought them together and made them closer than if they didn’t have that thing.
even if that thing was fictional (Star Trek for example) or the belief of something that wasn’t quite true but that doesn’t matter. As long as you are open to the fact that it may be not true but that doesn’t matter just get the benefits now.
The advantage of keeping one foot in and one foot out is that when you make decisions you can think clearly and not with a JW lense that the end is just around the corner.
I look at life with a lense that I am responsible for my life. I don’t know the truth about the Bible but I like studying it and it does benefit myself and my family. Going to meetings really does benefit my family and we have such good friends. It’s better than going to other places that cost a lot of money, and we have such good associations real friends.
I’m agnostic if there is a god or not but regardless the Bible is so interesting to study and talk about together as a congregation how it can benefit us all.
I personally love the Bibles advice about how to be happy and if it’s Gods word or man’s doesn’t matter.
So I’m keeping one foot in and one foot out. Best of both worlds.