I would advise don’t spend too much time worrying about the exact meaning of these cryptic things that could have just been the wild ramblings of a bunch of men.
Yes they could be Gods word but why is it so cryptic and nonsensical?
maybe just maybe, the Bible is a book written by a bunch of men and they all had different ideas.
Im still agnostic so it could be Gods word or maybe it isn’t.
Rev 9:11 is a good example of vague cryptic words that don’t translate well and modern humans all have different ideas what it means and what it could all be.
Even if the Bibles promises are all lies, or perhaps there is a bit of truth in them but we have the wrong understanding completely?
Im agnostic so will not commit either way. But this line “wife needs her hope, even if it's a lie” - this Could well apply to agnostics as well.
I genuinely believe the hope that the Bibles promises give is a benefit and a comfort. I have this hope even though I’m open to the possibility that it’s just a book written by a bunch of men and maybe evolution is how the universe started.
Or maybe it is Gods word but all this business about locusts and abyss and the one named Abaddon holding the key is the king over them. What does that actually do for you in the real world?
it could mean many many things or it could mean nothing.
your guess is as good as mine or as good as watchtowers guesses.