“ wife needs her hope, even if it's a lie.”
This is such a profound line.
Even if the Bibles promises are all lies, or perhaps there is a bit of truth in them but we have the wrong understanding completely?
Im agnostic so will not commit either way. But this line “wife needs her hope, even if it's a lie” - this Could well apply to agnostics as well.
even if someone is fully PIMI all they have is a hope of the Bibles promises coming true. I have this hope as well being PIMA.
Im an elder and have some in my group who have not been to meetings for many years but occasionally come on zoom or come to the memorial. I’ve tried to arrange a shepherding visit and asked many times can we call round or invited them to witness gatherings but they never come.
I genuinely believe the hope that the Bibles promises give is a benefit and a comfort. I have this hope even though I’m open to the possibility that it’s just a book written by a bunch of men and maybe evolution is how the universe started.