Job 26:7 he stretches out the northern sky over empty space, well should it be the southern that has empty space under it?
The North Pole has the earth under it?
The South Pole has empty space under it?
job 26:7 he stretches out the northern sky over empty space, well should it be the southern that has empty space under it?.
the north pole has the earth under it?.
the south pole has empty space under it?.
Job 26:7 he stretches out the northern sky over empty space, well should it be the southern that has empty space under it?
The North Pole has the earth under it?
The South Pole has empty space under it?
original reddit post (removed).
It’s a clever tactic to name someone a criminal defendant just after your accusations.
Anyone could make an accusation against anyone and bring a case against them then call them a criminal defendant. The court would then look at it and decide.
if the case is thrown out for whatever reason then the accuser is liable for slander which is exactly the situation with Loyd the hut.
anyone watching the netflix show how to be a cult leader?.
very interesting from a jw point of view.. anything can be a cult, if a group get together and like watching the sky then that could be a cult.
i think they ex jw community is also a cult with different ones like lloyd trying to be too cult leader .
Anyone watching the Netflix show how to be a cult leader?
very interesting from a JW point of view.
anything can be a cult, if a group get together and like watching the sky then that could be a cult
i think they ex JW community is also a cult with different ones like Lloyd trying to be too cult leader
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Interesting bit about if the monthly donations are a struggle then what to do about it.
The global financial crisis is picking up speed and everyone is struggling with the run away inflation
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
Yes at least two or even three batted for the other team. One called Greenleaves enough underage mud was thrown that some of it sticks. I don’t know if it was true or not but accusations were made and we know he had homosexual tendencies maybe he was involved with little boys or maybe it’s not true.
Another member of the GB names Jared had these accusations and some of it rings true. He wasn’t removed and was still on the GB right upto when he died. I think it was in Australia or NZ where a young boy said he was molested by this old GB member and he was moved out of there straight away.
the other GB member named Chitty so the story goes was found grouping and who knows what else a teenager in Bethel. They were caught and the teenage new Bethelite killed himself and Chitty was removed from the GB but carried on living in Mill Hill congregation right next to Watchtower house on the Ridgeway.
If you read older threads in here about it there was one poster who said they were in Mill Hill congregation right up to the time Chitty grew old and died.
I wonder if Watchtower bought him a couple of houses to live out his days as they have done with TOMO
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
So Chitty and Greenleaves were successfully covered up, just ignore and don’t talk about the problem and it will go away. Same with Franz just pretend it never happened don’t talk about it and the rank and file will move on?
this is obviously what they are hoping for this time around. Delete all of TOMO3 times he was even mentioned and hope people forget about him?
I personally can’t see them getting away with it so easily this time around like they did with the last three disgraced GB members
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
Br Chitty sounds very interesting, where can I find out more?
Is his story similar to TOMO3? Why was he removed from the GB?
Was Chitty still anointed and was he still an Elder?
on youtube, type "joanie the jehovah witness stripper" in the search bar.
several versions of the song will appear.
it's hilarious, and, apparently, based on a real life jw who was a neighbor of the song's writer..
I remember hearing about a couple of pioneer sisters I think one was married to a brother, anyway they went on pioneer school together and hit it off so to speak.
The married one left her husband to start this lesbian relationship with the other pioneer sister and then they got into porn.
They obviously got disfellowshipped but then they were posing with the revelation book showing it’s ‘grand climax at hand’
I think the one sister was called Donna Petch and don’t remember the name of the other sister.
anyway this was over 20 years ago and it caused quite a stir at the time.
if course we all said we didn’t look at the pictures 😆
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
Does anyone remember a talk he gave where he said something along the lines of his father asked him where did all his money go? His father was asking him where all his inheritance is going to and what are “they” doing with it all.
he said to his dad “I’m part of the “they”
everyone laughed
rev 9:11 the angel with the key to the abyss is called abaddon which means destroyer.. the cross references show jw doctrine teaches he is jesus himself using the account in luke where jesus got the demons out of that girl and they said don’t throw us into the abyss.
and revalation 20:1 shows an angel with the key to the abyss.. either watchtower are right and it’s jesus or there are more than one angel with the key to the abyss.. if it is jesus the destroyer of souls it sounds like conan the destroyer.. from the research guide-abaddon, the angel of the abyss—who is he?.
at revelation 9:11, however, the word “abaddon” is used as the name of “the angel of the abyss.” the corresponding greek name apollyon means “destroyer.” in the 19th century there were efforts made to show that this text prophetically applied to individuals such as emperor vespasian, muhammad, and even napoleon, and the angel was generally regarded as “satanic.” it should be noted, however, that at revelation 20:1-3 the angel having “the key of the abyss” is shown to be god’s representative from heaven, and rather than being “satanic,” he binds and hurls satan into the abyss.
I would advise don’t spend too much time worrying about the exact meaning of these cryptic things that could have just been the wild ramblings of a bunch of men.
Yes they could be Gods word but why is it so cryptic and nonsensical?
maybe just maybe, the Bible is a book written by a bunch of men and they all had different ideas.
Im still agnostic so it could be Gods word or maybe it isn’t.
Rev 9:11 is a good example of vague cryptic words that don’t translate well and modern humans all have different ideas what it means and what it could all be.
Even if the Bibles promises are all lies, or perhaps there is a bit of truth in them but we have the wrong understanding completely?
Im agnostic so will not commit either way. But this line “wife needs her hope, even if it's a lie” - this Could well apply to agnostics as well.
I genuinely believe the hope that the Bibles promises give is a benefit and a comfort. I have this hope even though I’m open to the possibility that it’s just a book written by a bunch of men and maybe evolution is how the universe started.
Or maybe it is Gods word but all this business about locusts and abyss and the one named Abaddon holding the key is the king over them. What does that actually do for you in the real world?
it could mean many many things or it could mean nothing.
your guess is as good as mine or as good as watchtowers guesses.