What Jeff Jackson said in his talk at the AGM made me feel physically sick. Why did he not apologise instead of trying to make people feel bad for believing what they told us to believe.
I remember countless times the GB have said something like they are blaming the Jdubs for believing something that the GB had previously told them to believe and now putting the blame on them for believing it.
Tony Morris used to do this a lot and he did it with those believing the 1975 endtimes teaching. It’s your fault for believing it and sarcastically and arrogantly having the high horse we are better than you see the way I’m talking to you now.
Jeff Jackson did this saying “we know you were thinking like this” in a weasel whinny sarcastic voice.
“some of you were thinking I hope my unbelieving relative dies before Armageddon so they will be in paradise with me”
he speaks as if we were all so stupid to believe this, when it’s the GB that were stupid for telling people to believe this all these years. You are the stupid one Jeff Jackson so why are you coming across so superior and arrogant when you should be apologetic and you should commend those smart ones who disagreed with the GB.