Test case for the new light. My bet is the old dark clouds are still present blocking it.
Yes a good test case.
I want to hear what this new light is actually going to work in practice
y'all i am an unmedicated bipolar.
i had a mania streak and slept with my bf who is of the world.
i am pregnant from this.
Test case for the new light. My bet is the old dark clouds are still present blocking it.
Yes a good test case.
I want to hear what this new light is actually going to work in practice
i am sure we were all shocked at the governing body update #2 with the unusual and impulsive changes set forth.. i am an insider at whq, and when i was on reddit and in communication with avoidjw i explained to the best of my ability that the approach on disfellowshipping was going to change based on the new light at the 2023 agm, that the jubilee rumor was false, and there were going to be changes on how jws approached disfellowshipping in response to the norway situation if it didn't turn out in watchtower's favor.
the decision came because of a legal blow to watchtower, not because "holy spirit" wad directing a faithful slave, who is going to become the "evil slave", more explanation on this soon.. everything i stated came true.
i left reddit exjw community due to the immature and mentally unstable nature there, and yet as has been the case my words came true.
recent letter to the BOE already clarified their stance on higher education and how it doesn't necessarily affect position of brothers in the congregation etc, that's just a small matter which may be developed further, but it's not part of the "10-year plan".
No it was fraudulent. It was bogus. There is a thread about it on here somewhere
it’s a shame because prominent YouTube channels jumped on it and it was all a hoax
the GB can quite rightly say be careful of apostates who lie.
we must be careful who we believe now
i now view jwlite like the trekkie conventions.
star trek is fiction and all the fans know this full well.
but they find it beneficial.
In what way Pete?
I know there is a feeling that everyone has to leave and be physical out, I don’t agree and I think Star Trek is a great way to explain this.
A former Trekkie who doesn’t like Star Trek anymore but still goes to the conventions and meet up just for the social aspect.
there is nothing wrong with this. But other Trekkies who left altogether say they hate Star Trek and everyone else should hate it as well.
let’s agree to disagree
for those of you who are pimo, how do you feel it may be effecting your mental and physical health?
is it easy to pretend to be what you are not?
how do you feel about falsely supporting the pimi which builds them up and therefore an org you don't believe in?
Here is my situation that may be a help to others who are confused or feeling it is a toll being physically in by mentally out or agnostic.
I was brought up as a JW and went to MTS school and served in London Bethel in shipping Dept many years then I was a driver in transport department. I slowly woke up over a decade or longer, then the CV19 Vax mandate was the final staw.
I now knew for certain in my mind that the GB are not who they claim to be. This is not a toll in fact it is the opposite it is such a relief and a huge weight lifted off your shoulders.
some JWs feel guilty all the time. They have been brainwashed into thinking that they are not doing enough free work for the GB or that they are not living upto what the GB has brainwashed them into thinking God wants them to do.
using Star Trek as an example I used to be a zealous Trekkie. Now I just have fond memories of all the things I did as a zealous Trekkie but now I just don’t like Star Trek as much.
But I still like the people and I love all the social aspects that Star Trek (JWs) use as an excuse to get together.
Most social clubs have a common interest that starts it all off. Even if that common interest no longer holds any weight it’s the people getting together is what many still like.
I’m agnostic as to if God exists but I still have hope in the Bibles promises and this helps me. I’m certain the GB have got most things wrong perhaps everything.
But living by the Bible and studying it is very beneficial even if it is just another book written by men. Have some hope in the Bibles promises is better than having no hope.
Staying physically in and mentally agnostic is the path I have chosen. PIMA and staying JWlite which means not really doing anything but not actually leaving altogether.
I hope this helps others who may be going through a huge mental crisis when they genuinely believed in the past but now are having doubts about the GB. Or even past doubts and like me they know for certain that the GB are not who they claim to be. They are charlatans.
It should not be something that puts you into a depression. Instead start to accept that we just don’t know the answers to life’s largest questions but that is OK. You can still have hope in the Bibles promises even if we don’t understand it all.
Be comfortable and happy, be content in accepting that we don’t have all the answers and neither does any else. The future is an interesting place and as to what happens after death, well nobody can take away your hope from the Bible even if it may not be true it’s better to have that hope than none at all.
So please do not feel it’s a toll being PIMO or like me PIMA. It is the opposite. What is a toll is staying PIMI having all that weight on you.
I know some say they were happier being PIMI than they are now being PIMO, but this is where PIMA comes in, it’s the best of both worlds.
The Matrix movie is a brilliant example where the bad guy called cypher wished he never woke up to the truth. He wishes he could have stayed PIMI as he was happier believing something that was not true. But once you know it’s not true you can never go back.
Well why not PIMA, where you keep the possibility open that some of the Bibles promises may prove true? Best of both worlds.
after being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
Here is my situation that may be a help to others who are confused.
I was brought up as a JW and went to MTS school and served in London Bethel in shipping Dept many years then I was a driver in transport department. I slowly woke up over a decade or longer, then the CV19 Vax mandate was the final staw.
I now knew for certain in my mind that the GB are not who they claim to be.
using Star Trek as an example I used to be a zealous Trekkie. Now I just have fond memories of all the things I did as a zealous Trekkie but now I just don’t like Star Trek as much.
But I still like the people and I love all the social aspects that Star Trek (JWs) use as an excuse to get together.
Most social clubs have a common interest that starts it all off. Even if that common interest no longer holds any weight it’s the people getting together is what many still like.
I’m agnostic as to if God exists but I still have hope in the Bibles promises and this helps me. I’m certain the GB have got most things wrong perhaps everything.
But living by the Bible and studying it is very beneficial even if it is just another book written by men. Have some hope in the Bibles promises is better than having no hope.
Staying physically in and mentally agnostic is the path I have chosen. PIMA and staying JWlite which means not really doing anything but not actually leaving altogether.
I hope this helps others who may be going through a huge mental crisis when they genuinely believed in the past but now are having doubts about the GB. Or even past doubts and like me they know for certain that the GB are not who they claim to be. They are charlatans.
It should not be something that puts you into a depression. Instead start to accept that we just don’t know the answers to life’s largest questions but that is OK. You can still have hope in the Bibles promises even if we don’t understand it all.
Be comfortable and happy, be content in accepting that we don’t have all the answers and neither does any else. The future is an interesting place and as to what happens after death, well nobody can take away your hope from the Bible even if it may not be true it’s better to have that hope than none at all.
i now view jwlite like the trekkie conventions.
star trek is fiction and all the fans know this full well.
but they find it beneficial.
Here is my situation that may be a help to others who are confused.
I was brought up as a JW and went to MTS school and served in London Bethel in shipping Dept many years then I was a driver in transport department. I slowly woke up over a decade or longer, then the CV19 Vax mandate was the final staw.
I now knew for certain in my mind that the GB are not who they claim to be.
using Star Trek as an example I used to be a zealous Trekkie. Now I just have fond memories of all the things I did as a zealous Trekkie but now I just don’t like Star Trek as much.
But I still like the people and I love all the social aspects that Star Trek (JWs) use as an excuse to get together.
Most social clubs have a common interest that starts it all off. Even if that common interest no longer holds any weight it’s the people getting together is what many still like.
I’m agnostic as to if God exists but I still have hope in the Bibles promises and this helps me. I’m certain the GB have got most things wrong perhaps everything.
But living by the Bible and studying it is very beneficial even if it is just another book written by men. Have some hope in the Bibles promises is better than having no hope.
Staying physically in and mentally agnostic is the path I have chosen. PIMA and staying JWlite which means not really doing anything but not actually leaving altogether.
I hope this helps others who may be going through a huge mental crisis when they genuinely believed in the past but now are having doubts about the GB. Or even past doubts and like me they know for certain that the GB are not who they claim to be. They are charlatans.
It should not be something that puts you into a depression. Instead start to accept that we just don’t know the answers to life’s largest questions but that is OK. You can still have hope in the Bibles promises even if we don’t understand it all.
Be comfortable and happy, be content in accepting that we don’t have all the answers and neither does any else. The future is an interesting place and as to what happens after death, well nobody can take away your hope from the Bible even if it may not be true it’s better to have that hope than none at all.
i now view jwlite like the trekkie conventions.
star trek is fiction and all the fans know this full well.
but they find it beneficial.
And when the congregation announces a member has been disfellowshipped, will you join in the shunning and share in the abusive treatment to keep up appearances?
That is old light Pete? Now they are encouraged to reach out to Trekkies who have left and ask them to come back. And if old Trekkies do come back to a meeting they are encouraged to go say how pleased you are that they are back.
Trekkies who no longer have an interest in Star Trek May like the old ways better. This new Star Trek is unrecognisable to what got them interested in the first place.
But they have some nice memories and many good friends who are Trekkies so they pretend to go along with it just for the social aspect
if i was an active jw, i would like to greet df jw's.. how do i know that they are not apostates or continue wrong lifestyle promotors?.
i would need this information, so were to get?
the grapevine?
Gorb it’s a good point.
It could go both ways. Oh I don’t know if he is apostate or promoted serious sin.
Or…. I can’t contact him because I didn’t know if was apostate or promoted serious sin.
i am sure we were all shocked at the governing body update #2 with the unusual and impulsive changes set forth.. i am an insider at whq, and when i was on reddit and in communication with avoidjw i explained to the best of my ability that the approach on disfellowshipping was going to change based on the new light at the 2023 agm, that the jubilee rumor was false, and there were going to be changes on how jws approached disfellowshipping in response to the norway situation if it didn't turn out in watchtower's favor.
the decision came because of a legal blow to watchtower, not because "holy spirit" wad directing a faithful slave, who is going to become the "evil slave", more explanation on this soon.. everything i stated came true.
i left reddit exjw community due to the immature and mentally unstable nature there, and yet as has been the case my words came true.
It sounds far fetched about being more permissive to sex things but actually we are almost there already.
Teenagers who go a bit too far may be a common thing and two elders will just ask the parents have you got it in hand? If they say yes then there is no judicial committee.
it’s getting that way for adults too. This is the most common reason for DFed and now there will be less JCs
many are talking on whatsapp about what to wear.
sisters wearing slacks and brothers wearing all sorts of different tops.
I've often said it's the sisters that wear the trousers round here! 😆