Dear You_Know,
Thank you for your reply.
You said:
"AwakenedAndFree, Only the LORD can forgive. Still, I appreciate the thought. "
AAF says: Here is what the Holy Scriptures say about the Brothers and Sisters forgiving one another: LUKE 17:3:" Pay attention to yourselves, if your brother commits a sin give him a rebuke. and if he repents forgive him."NWT EPHESIANS 4:32:" But become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you."NWT
Know_You said: "Did not Paul compare the craven apostate coward to the dog that has returned to its own vomit? Hence the phrase "apostate dog" has solid scriptural support"
AAF says: Please show me a Scripture that points out that it is acceptable to Jehovah God to call Apostates: "Apostate dogs" ROMANS 12:20,21 : (20):" But, "if your enemy is hungry, feed him: if he is thristy, give him something to drink..."(21):"Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil but keep conquering the evil with the good."NWT LUKE 6:27:"But I say to YOU who are listening, Continue to love YOUR enemies, to do good to those hating YOU."NWT
'See how easy it is to trip the apostate in his own cunning;"
You are calling me an Apostate? I never claimed to be an apostate Know_You - I am NOT an apostate! : I am a Jehovah God Witness, and do Not pronounce me what I am NOT! Only Jehovah God knows who is an apostate and who is Not - God reads hearts - you don't! If you informed your congregation that you are posting/frequenting this site, what would your cong. label you as? Think about it.
"To shrive the very muscle form the bone with the double edged sword of truth\Know_You"
Wow ! Know_You! Seriously, you are making me laugh! Is this the new slogan that the Watchtower is encouraging it's members to use? What an excruciating/torturous/grueling illustration! It doesn't surprise me: The Watchtower Society is burdensome in everything! I prefer this way: MATTHEW 11:29,30:(29)" Take my yoke upon YOU and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart and YOU will find refreshments for YOUR souls.(30): For my yoke is kindly and my load is light."NWT JOHN 8:31:" And so Jesus went on to say to the Jews that had believed him:" If YOU remain in my word, YOU are really my disciples."NWT The WT org. has enumerated Jehovah God's Laws and has chosen the Path of Independence from God's Word. Now they are suffering the consequences: They have a lot of explanation to do at the doors. People are well informed now: and they want a lot of answers. In Christian Love,