God or no god, why is there something rather than nothing? Why do elements have properties? Why does consciousness exist? These are questions that I think about almost every day. Bradley
Why does anything exist at all?
by logansrun 52 Replies latest jw friends
If there was perfect balance, there wouldn't be anything. But since things are out of wack ...
St. Satan, What justification, rational or empirical, do you have for making that remark? B.
I base it on the sine wave concept. A flat line is balance/neutral/rest/nothing. A curve above the median rebounds into the negative, below the median. It is trying to balance at the flatline.
watch the matrix revolutions...best explanation
There is a popular theory that the sum total of the universe adds up to nothing. 1 + (-1) = 0
Think of it this way. Everything has it's opposite. North/South, Positive/Negative, etc... Matter is a form of energy and it has a positive value of energy. Gravity is another form of energy and has a negative value. Here is how we know that: When gravity attracts two objects together, they expend energy in order to accelerate to each other. When two objects are moved away from each other energy is imparted into the objects in order to accelerate them away from each other.
If you sum the matter energy in the universe and add that to the sum of the gravitational energy you end up with a grand total of zero. Nothing.
As the universe expands it creates more gravity, to compensate for this matter is naturally formed to balance the gravitational energy. If the universe were to collapse, it would collapse into nothing since all of the gravity and matter would cancel each other out.
I read a science article about quantum theory and all the weird things that happen at the quantum level, where quarks can seemingly come into existence from nothingness and behave completely differently from what we think of as natural Newtonian laws. Maybe someone else could explain this better, but it speculated that the universe could have arisen out of nothingness as a quantum bubble with net zero mass and energy, and the big bang was the event that took the bubble out of quantum singularity.
I think that the same principle applies to 'god', such as 'it' may be.
We could all be Christain Scientists and believe that we actually don't exist, we are just fooling ourselves! But then what and who are the "we" that are being fooled? Screwwy exposition that concludes that nothing exists.. I've never met nothing so it can't exist.
Thank you Elsewhere! You did not answer the queston. All you gave was a nice little description of what the universe might be like. Why is there energy? Why is there matter? Don't just answer "the Big Bang" because that doesn't really answer the question. Nor does "God did it."