((((Dear Vivamus,))))
"I was not alone in the ?condemned? bench.."
The rightheous are segregated from the sinners in the Kingdom Halls!
Christian Love,
uhuuu, yep i am going to the meeting.
i want the newest watchtowers, i feel deprived of all the new light, lol.
((((Dear Vivamus,))))
"I was not alone in the ?condemned? bench.."
The rightheous are segregated from the sinners in the Kingdom Halls!
Christian Love,
my mother told me that last night's meeting was about how we all simply have to do more.
if we are asked to work on a saturday, we should know that saturday morning belongs to jehovah and that the automatic answer simply is "no, that time is set aside for jehovah.
" he said our congregation is down to 60 something publishers and we simply just can't afford to lose anymore..... he gave an example of a boy and his dad that were out hunting.
Minimus said:"my mother doesn't like this CO and told me that after 40 years, she wants to stop pioneering."
Watchtower :The Circuit Overseer Says: "Just do More"
Jesus Christ: Matthew 11:28,29,30 :" Come to me, all YOU who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh YOU. 29:" Take my yoke upon YOU and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and YOU will find refreshment for YOUR souls.30:" For my yoke is kindly and my load is light."
well my jw grandmother died...am i sad ?
i do have to wonder if she is not facing jesu right now and being shamed for all the hate towards her grand children simply because they were not jw.
i only had a realtionship with her for about a year and it was only for short moments on the phone if i had happened to be over at my mothers when she called my mom.
((((Dear KGB))),
I'am sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences.
Christian love,
as i was growing up in the troof.
there were sayings used over and over again to control my behaviour.
the biblical on bad associations spoil useful habits and another on just because everyone else does it doesnt mean you have to do it to, would you jump off a cliff just because other people do what were the sayings that bugged you?
"Our organization is a spiritual paradise"
I heard this comment from an elder!
i am not writing these quetions to offend anyone, i am just seeking honest answers.
will you jehovah's witnesses help me in finding answers?
there is only 1 god.
Neonmadman said"This is an excellent page that will help you to understand that the scriptures clearly identify Jesus as being God Almighty. I suggest you spend a little time checking its references:" http://www.calvary-tricities.org/trinity.html
Dear NeonMadman:
Thanks for referring me to the above website.
As a Christian, I strongly believe that only Our Creator Jehovah God is Omnipotent in Position and Power. I don't support the trinity doctrine.
This Scripture in John 14:28 demonstrates that Jesus did NOT make himself equal with God Almighty, Jehovah God:
John 14:28:"..., because the Father is greater than I am."
As far as Jesus Christ been referred to as a "God" - it's in the Scriptures that he is referred to as a "God"- it's true the Scriptures refer to Jehovah God as the only true God. I refer to Jesus Christ as a "God" in the sense that Jehovah God created Jesus Christ in HIS IMAGE -he possesses the true God's Godlike- image/qualities. Jesus Christ is a "God" in the figurative sense.
EXODUS:20:3:"You must not have any other gods against my face."
Christian Love,
i am not writing these quetions to offend anyone, i am just seeking honest answers.
will you jehovah's witnesses help me in finding answers?
there is only 1 god.
NeonMadman said" that leaves you with the problem of having two gods when the Bible is quite clear that there is only one."
Dear NeonMadman:
Thank you for your reply.
John 1:1" In [the] beginning, the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a God."
John 10:30:" I and the Father are one."
Please note John 10:30: Jesus is in unison with the Father. Appropriately, Jesus Christ is called a "Mighty god" in the sense that he is in unison with the Almighty God.
Christian Love.
i am not writing these quetions to offend anyone, i am just seeking honest answers.
will you jehovah's witnesses help me in finding answers?
there is only 1 god.
Donkey said:"AAF,I am sure you never meant your post to be directed to me."
Dear Donkey,
You are right. I made a mistake. Yes, my post/response is directed to NeonMadman and not to you. I'am sorry and thanks for bringing this matter to my attention.
i'm not trying to offend anyone by asking questions, but i really want answers to my questions from jehovah's witnesses.
ok, i've been having a problem with john 1:1. how many gods are there?
the most famous distortion in the nwt is john 1:1. the nwt inserts the word "a" in front of the second god in this verse.
Dear Peacefulpete,
I checked the archives pertaining to the topic you referred me to.
I am sorry, but I do NOT agree with your viewpoint/interpretation of Isaiah 9:6. I strongly believe that this whole Scripture refers to the Messiah!
Isaiah 7:14 proves the "son" been born is Jesus Christ, the Messiah!
Isaiah 7:14:" Therefore Jehovah himself will give you men a sign. Look! The maiden herself will actually become pregnant, and she is giving birth to a son, and she will certainly call his name Im-man-u-el."
Christian Love,
i am not writing these quetions to offend anyone, i am just seeking honest answers.
will you jehovah's witnesses help me in finding answers?
there is only 1 god.
AwakenedAndFree said:" Jesus Christ would be called "Mighty God":
Dear Donkey,
In Isaiah 9:6, it was foretold that Jesus Christ would be called "Mighty God". Of course Jehovah God is the only Almighty God ! Jesus Christ is referred to as a 'Mighty God' in Isaiah 9:6 to demonstrate to us that Jesus Christ possesses godly-like visible and invisible qualities that are a reflection of the image of the invisible true God. This prophecy also refers to Jesus Christ as "Eternal Father". We know that Jehovah God is our only Father. Again this Scripture is demonstrating to us that is through Jesus Christ's ransom that we have the forgiveness of our sins. Thus Jesus Christ becomes our "Eternal Father" in this sense.Therefore, Jesus Christ is appropriately called "Mighty God' and "Eternal Father".
COLOSSIANS: 1:,13,14, 15,16,17,18,19,20: (13):" He delivered us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of his love,( 14):"by means of whom we have our release by ransom, the forgiveness of our sins" (15):" He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. (16):"because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All [other] things have been created through him and for him."(17):"Also, he is before all [other] things were made to exist, (18):" and he is the head of the congregation. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that he might become the one who is first in all things; (19):"because [God] saw good for all fulness to dwell in him."(20):"and through him to reconcile again to himself all [other] things by making peace through the blood [he shed] on the torture stake, no matter whether they are the things upon the earth or the things in the heavens."
Christian Love,
i'm not trying to offend anyone by asking questions, but i really want answers to my questions from jehovah's witnesses.
ok, i've been having a problem with john 1:1. how many gods are there?
the most famous distortion in the nwt is john 1:1. the nwt inserts the word "a" in front of the second god in this verse.
the real truth said this at her other thread:"Now answer me this, since it refers to Jesus as "a god", then is Jesus a true God or a False God???"Dear the real truth,The book of Isaiah chapter 9:6 shows us that it was foretold in this Messianic prophecy that Jesus Christ would be called "Mighty God":
ISAIAH 9:6:" For there has been a child born to us; there has been a son given to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace."
Jehovah God is The ALMIGHTY TRUE GOD. Jesus Christ is Jehovah God's only begotten-Son/God. Jesus Christ is a TRUE MIGHTY GOD.
Christian Love,