((((((Dear Larc,))))) One who understands Basic Bible Teachings, would be able to easily discern/decipher the understanding to the questions you directed me. I percieve you are not one of these. I by no means consider myself a Theologian, but I will try to answer your questions according to the Scriptures:
You said?AAF, I have not read every word of this thread, but I got the general idea and have to ask you a question. Why should God forgive me - for what? He created me didn't he, and he made me imperfect.
Forgive you for YOUR sins. God did not make you imperfect- God is Perfect - Sin made you imperfect!
So there is no reason for me to be forgiven for the imperfections that God gave me in the first place. I should forgive him for giving me these imperfections. AAF, will you address my comments?????????
God never GAVE you imperfections! Satan DID! Christian Love, AAF