((((((Dear Ron1968))))),
JOHN 3:16:" For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." NWT
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
((((((Dear Ron1968))))),
JOHN 3:16:" For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." NWT
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
(((((Dear Fearnotruth22)))),
You said: " The Bible is a book to be proved, "
Says who?
Anything requiring belief or faith MUST have a basis, except for the fool that swallows any nonsense.
By defenition belief or faith is separate from scientific proof.
That is what the book study "Is the Bible really the word of God" was all about,
I don't go by what man says, but I go by what the Bible says instead!
evidebce.Wt disagrees with you.
And I disagree with the Watchtower.
There can be no belief or faith without factual or proven basis.
How do you prove the existance of God ? - when I say proof, I mean proof on a scientific or logic context bases because that is the only context in which proof can be used.
belive what you like
I believe in God's Word as is - I don't question the Bible!
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
(((((((Dear Fearnotruth22,))))))
You said:
"Dear AA: "...you are only repeating indoctrination that you are not qualified to understand or to teach.",
I do not agree with you. It is only Jehovah God who knows that for sure!
2 CORINTHIANS 2:14,15,16,17 : (14):" But thanks to God who always leads us in a thriumphal procession in company with Christ and makes the odor of the knowledge of him perceptible through us in every place."NWT
(15):" For to God we are a sweet odor of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing."NWT
(16):" to the latter ones an odor issuing from death to death, to the former ones an odor life to life. And who is adequately qualified for these things?"
(17):" [ We are;] for we are not peddlers of the word of God as many men are, but as out of sincerety, yes, as sent from God, under God's view, in company with Christ, we are speaking."NWT
" If you could prove that God is the Bible's author then case closed, but that cannot be done."Dear Fearnotruth22, The Bible is not a book to be proved ; it's not a scientific treatise where you prove and disprove based on theories and logic. The Bible is a book of Faith and Belief.
Christian Love, AAF
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
You said:"The Bible does not give "satisfying answerrs".
The Bible gives me very satisfying spiritual answers and spiritual guidance:
HEBREWS 4:12:" For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the deviding of soul and spirit , and of joints and [their] marrow and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart."NWT
PSALMS 19:7:" The law of Jehovah is perfect, bringing back the soul."NWT
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
(((((((( Dear Abaddon))))))),
| ||
AAF says:" I accept the Holy Bible as being the Inspired Word of God - I don't question my God for what He did/does and for what He will do to us , mankind!. We are God's property - His Justice is Righteous - He is God Almighty! God's toughts are Higher than ours! ISAIAH 55:8:" For the toughts of YOU people are not my thoughts, nor my ways YOU ways, is the utterance of Jehovah.NWT ISAIAH 55:9:" For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than YOUR ways, and my thoughts than YOUR thoughts."NWT 1 CORINTHIANS 10:9:" Neither let us put Jehovah to the test, as some put [him] to the test, only to perish by the serpents."NWT 2 TIMOTHY 3:16, 17 (16):" All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching , for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, (17):" that the man of God may be fully competent ,completely equipped for every good work."NWT REVELATION 19:5:" Also, a voice issued from the throne and said:" Be praising our God, all YOU his slaves, who fear him, the small ones and the great." NWT PSALMS 119:105:" Your word is a lamp to my foot, And a light to my roadway."NWT Christian Love, AAFAAF |
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
((((( Dear CHEVYSNTATS,)))))))
You said:
Hey, did you know your signature is the abbreviation for the band Alien Ant Farm too?"
No. I didn't know! Thanks for letting me know, Chevysntats.
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
(((((((Dear Sentinel)))))
Thank you for your kindness and for your reply!
As Christians, it is essential that I/we inform/warn/teach our fellowman/neighbors, of God. The scriptures admonishes us to do so.
Having reverance Fear for God is a very healthy thing for us humans. It gives us a very profund reverence for God - we become cognizant that God is the Supreme Almighty Judge of this wholesome universe! Being in submission to God is wholesome: It means "hating what is bad"
PSALMS 25:14:" The intimacy with Jehovah belongs to those fearful of him, Also his covenant, to cause them to know it."NWT
PSALMS 25:12:" Who, now, is the man fearful of Jehovah? He will instruct him in the way [that] he will choose."NWT
Dear Sentinel, thank you for respecting my religious beliefs. I respect yours also. I love you as you are!
Christian Love.
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
((((((Dear Estee,))))):
You said::" I do not have the power to do anything to you ... only you do. I just wish people would remember that we are all equals ... and I wish that people would not sit in judgement over one another."
When you insinuated me of being a troll, I felt like crying ....
You said:"Let's just all keep progressing down our own spiritual path, which at this time happens to be on this forum.
You hold a very special place in my heart, Estee. I love you, sweetheart!
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
((((((Dear Estee,)))))))
Estee said: "Interesting ... many posters posted ... no names were named ... yet the conclusion was quickly drawn"
You are absolutely, right, Estee! I checked this entire thread awhile ago ; and I discovered that other posters have also written in the Subject section box! I owe you an apology for not having Had checked this entire thread before I replied to you, and for having had mention yourself, only as the one who posted over my original thread title!
The reason your post became conspicuous to me , was the fact that you were insinuating that I was a troll !
My apologies.
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
((((((((Dear Estee, Sweetheart,)))))))
I forgive you for what You did to me!
Christian Love,