((((((((Dear Abaddon,))))))))
You said:
You seem confused
My God is not a God of confusion. He conducts me in clarity.
PSALMS 68:11:" Jehovah himself gives the saying; The women telling the good news are a large army."NWT
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
((((((((Dear Abaddon,))))))))
You said:
You seem confused
My God is not a God of confusion. He conducts me in clarity.
PSALMS 68:11:" Jehovah himself gives the saying; The women telling the good news are a large army."NWT
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
((((Dear jstlaws)))),
Thank you for your kind reply.
I said:
"Had the committe been the Evil Slave Class at that time, there is no way that Jehovah God had approved the revison of the NWT!"
I sincerely accept the NWT Bible entirely published by the Watchtower Society, the revised version without reservation as the Bible that Jehovah God approves to teach the peoples' of the earth.
Dear jstlaws, you say that this revised version of the NWT contains errors. This is your opinion. I do not agree with you.
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
((((( Dear jstlaws)))))
There are a lot of good people that I know who are still in the org. : I consider them my Spiritual brothers and sisters because I know that they love Jehovah God and Jesus Christ dearly.They think it is not necessary to search any further as far as testing the Society to determine whether the Society is in fact the Evil Slave Class- the Bible teaches us to test , but they refuse and accept it as is.These ones in the org. have Jehovah God's favour still. I sincerly believe that Jehovah God chose/approved the New World Bible Translation Committe to revise the NWT in 1984.Otherwise it wouldn't be possible to have this revised version of the Bible revised. That's why I think the NWT Bible is accurate and acceptable for teaching.
Had the committe been the Evil Slave Class at that time, there is no way that Jehovah God had approved the revison of the NWT!
Please note : I didn't say: all Governing Body members are Evil Slaves.When I said: "I consider the Society as being the Evil Slave Class", I didn't generalize: I didn't say the whole Society, to it's entirety". In my opinion everything that has been taught by the Society as been Truth and turned out to be false or Unscriptural to this day, then that was created by the Evil Slave Class ,and I believe that's still happening today.
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
(((((Dear Abaddon))))
You said:"Bye bye;"
I don't agree with what you said about me. But I still consider yourself my fellowman/neighbor. I love you as you are, Abaddon, and I wish you all the best on your journey to find happiness. You used to be a Christian yourself at one time: you know what I believe in. I hold my Christian faith and convictions very dear.
I posted my religious beliefs under the topic category:" Beliefs, Doctrines and Practices."I don't see anything out of line. If someone does not agree with my belief system: just walk away - no need to resort to name-calling. Please respect what I believe in.
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
Abaddon said:
AAF said:"Please allow me to explain : I am a woman and not a man."Don't worry; being a modern day pharasee is open to people of all genders. I hope you get the rafters removed, and that the camel doesn't give you indigestion." _____________________________________________________________________________________ PROVERBS 28: 5:" Men given to badness cannot understand judgement, but those who are seeking Jehovah can understand everything."NWT Christian Love, AAF
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
Bisous said:"Reading AAF's posts on this thread spoils my appetite.
AAF says:"Sorry, but there is nothing I can do for that : other than you to just walk away! "
"I would request ... AAF: Return to Wherever You Came From, and I will forgive you"
. I would never tell someone to leave a place just because you don't agree/believe/subscribe to their beliefs. Obviously, you're not like me. I have been here since Aug.2002, and you are the first person making such a request. I am Awakened And Free from any religious bondage, and I am NOT returning to where I came from. If you don't forgive me (whatever it is - I don't know what I did to you), I will ask my Heavenly Father for forgiveness for whatever I did to you, instead.
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
1 John 5:4:" because everything that has been born from God conquers the world. And this is the conquest that has conquered the world, our faith."NWT
Christian Love,
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
You said:
AAF said:"I KNOW that the Society is UNCLEAN doctrinally! I consider the Society as being the EVIL SLAVE CLASS!"Why would you use a Bible translation you believe is produced by the "EVIL SLAVE CLASS"? Steve
((((((Dear Steve,)))))
Please refer to page no.4 of this thread: read Gumby's post first then read my response to him in the same page.
Thank you.
Christian Love,
for those who still believe in jesus and his purpose and in a god who is creator.
do you feel it is appropriate to hang in place as such when the scriptures teaches us "not to cast pearls before swine?
" please tell me your feelings on this subject as i feel that i should not be here but for some reason keep returning....do we believers feel that we can make some good here and is that why we continue to come here?
((((((Dear AGuest)))))
You said:". I truly do not think he/she means to offend... me or anyone else. He/she is just trying to do what he/she thinks is "right"... as we all do from time to time. .
The wisest comment on this entire thread intended towards me. AGuest you are a good person, sweetheart. It is the truth - I try to do what I think is right.
I don't agree with your beliefs, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends.
Christian Love,
for those who still believe in jesus and his purpose and in a god who is creator.
do you feel it is appropriate to hang in place as such when the scriptures teaches us "not to cast pearls before swine?
" please tell me your feelings on this subject as i feel that i should not be here but for some reason keep returning....do we believers feel that we can make some good here and is that why we continue to come here?
(((((Dear drwtsn 32))))), You said:
"Wow AAF...you have found a way to be even more insulting than the person who called us all swine a while back. How utterly sad...."
I rely on the Bible for Godly counsel for my benefit and as well for the benefit of my fellowmen when I preach to them. The Holy Scriptures contained in the Bible are for the benefit of us all. The Bible equips us Christians to be competent Godly People to teach others: 2 TIMOTHY 3:16:" ALL Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,"NWT 2 TIMOTHY 3:17:" that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."NWT Christian Love, AAF