JoinedPosts by rekless
When they knock....
by 2112 ini saw in the "why is service so lame" thread wtwizard takes the jw's to ephesians 2:8,9. it reminded me of what i would say when they called.
this was when we first moved and they did not yet know me.
i would let them say their piece and then i would ask them "why are you here?
I voted in an election for the first time in my life!
by First Time Voter ini post under a different name on this forum, but there are some people that read this site that know who i am in person, so i am posting under a different alias so as not to get myself in hot water.. .
anyway, for the first time in over 20 years of eligibility, i voted in today's primary.
in a church!
Now you have the right to complain and moan.
Once You Had Doubts, How Long Before You Got On The Internet?
by minimus inthe watchtower society keeps telling everyone to stay away from the evil internet.
they claim that once you surf the internet, even if it's done innocently, it's the beginning of the end.
were you personally affected in your faith because you turned on the computer?
I was digging up some dirt on Rev. Jimmy Swaggart and found Jehovah Witnesses file friend of the court brief in behalf of Rev, Jimmy Swaggart...the I found the Mexican and Malawi topic then I ordered COC, then my wife died, then I quit, then DAed myself...and my sons and I never went back.
I wrote a book--"The Dream Pushers: Captivated by a System of Deceit" which is being read by a NY agency
Well I wish I was in the land of cotton....66 degrees F today
by dawg income on southerners, sing with me now.... and for all you yankees, and cannooks/snowbirds.... sunny and 66 degrees f today.... visibility of 10 miles.... .
we have just enought winter here in athens, georgia, home of those beloved university of georgia bulldawgs, for me to want it to go away, and usually when i'm getting sick of it, here comes the sun..... how's it where you all are?.
In South Dakota we just got about 3" of snow over night.
so are there really co's and elders who are undercover appostates???
by newly unsure inso are there really co's and elders who are undercover appostates??
i just find it hard to believe cuz once you start having doubts and researching n stuff, how could you keep living the lie?
how long did Ray Franz live the lie until he was DF. How long did he enter into the GB/CEO meetings and see everything was a 2/3 vote and no praying in making decissions.
How many died because even though he knew it was a sham he didn't blow the whistle. I know nobody would believe him at first, but he has a great following now and all the bad things are coming out.
Giants Win the SuperBowl - 17 - 14
by pratt1 inthey said it wouldn't happen.. as a life long giants fan, i am over the moon!.
The Pats' secret became exposed during the Baltimore game.
THey went from the first to the worst in one game--as brought out--they are the only 18-1 team to ever go 18-1 and lose the SB game. So I guess Brady holds another record
How many x jdubs want to write a book?
by Alex Delta inif i only got a nickel every time i heard an x jdub say i should write a book, i'd be a zillioniare.
I finished by book entitled The Dream Pushers: Captivated by a System of Deceit, and queried it to a Brooklyn base literature agent this past week, and she told me to send it to her, because she is interested in the project.
If you would like to read an excerpt go to the below address.
Lovers of Freedom and Womens Rights please Sign
by llbh inplease sign this e petition at this newspapers website.. an afghan journalist has been sentenced to death for reading an article on womens rights.
this is outrageaous imo.
we in the western world take freedom of speech as a given, this brave journalist has been sentenced to death for questioning why the rights of women should be curtailed by bigoted men in his country.. i was so sad and upest that i am posting the link here http://www.independent.co.uk/ to the newpaper in the uk spearheading a campaign to put pressure on the afghan governmet to overturn this egregious judgement.
we signed all two of us.
Crackdown on "sisters" volunteering at DCs
by dozy inthe wts has sent a letter to all convention overseers expressing their increasing concern at sisters "directing brothers" at district conventions.. with immediate effect (ie for dc 2008), sisters are no longer to be used as volunteers in parking and security / watchman departments.
any sisters volunteering in other departments (eg toilet cleaning) must be subordinate & follow the direction of appointed brothers.
this move will put a huge burden on the dcs in my area - nearly half the volunteers for parking are sisters and there aren't enough volunteers as it is.
The brothers all looked over us like we were going to steal something.
That is correct. THe society does not trust anyone because they are the biggest scammers on the face of the Earth. A thief doesn't trust anybody.
Crackdown on "sisters" volunteering at DCs
by dozy inthe wts has sent a letter to all convention overseers expressing their increasing concern at sisters "directing brothers" at district conventions.. with immediate effect (ie for dc 2008), sisters are no longer to be used as volunteers in parking and security / watchman departments.
any sisters volunteering in other departments (eg toilet cleaning) must be subordinate & follow the direction of appointed brothers.
this move will put a huge burden on the dcs in my area - nearly half the volunteers for parking are sisters and there aren't enough volunteers as it is.
Well, If I can't teach I sure in the hell ain't gonna stand in th cold or heat and direct traffic. Here's my ID put it where a brother can reach it.