You may want to join a writer's forum.
It is an interesting start, but you haven't started working yet. Wait until you try finding an agent--then your begin to really work.
Good luck
from under the house coat.
she noticed the dark circles .
went to the sink and filled it up with icy cold water.
You may want to join a writer's forum.
It is an interesting start, but you haven't started working yet. Wait until you try finding an agent--then your begin to really work.
Good luck
i'm going through it this weekend.
the right foot big toe joint.
i get this every couple of years and it is the most painful thing i've ever experienced.
The next morning my gout was gone. I attribute it to the dramatic increase in fluid though. Water would likely have been better than beer.
Isn't wierd how it disappears so fast. You wish some one would kill you and the next day it is gone.
How did the interview go? I bet they were wide eyed and surprized.
i'm going through it this weekend.
the right foot big toe joint.
i get this every couple of years and it is the most painful thing i've ever experienced.
Here we go with my story beats yours, and I sympathize with you, but Hahaha, I was laid up for six weeks in bed, It started in my right toe, moved up to my right knee, to my right elbow, and by this time I couldn't stand covers to touch me and I was praying that some one would come in and kill me and shoot me in the head, because that was the only place that didn't hurt. It then work its way down to my left knee, to the entire left foot and out the left toes.
Most excruciating ( exscrewciating- and I mean screwciating) pain I ever experienced.
i'm going through it this weekend.
the right foot big toe joint.
i get this every couple of years and it is the most painful thing i've ever experienced.
I have acute gout...and it is not one bit cute.
I started getting it when I hit forty. ( I gain alot of weight over a short period of time, this one reason
for gout...
I am taking Allopurinol & Colchicine daily.
You need to go to a doctor. I've tried cherry juice, and every other remedy.
Don't fall for every dure suggested on the internet.
You need to drink purified water and a lot of it to wash the uric acid out of your kidneys.
If you can afford medical insurance and life insurance get it now because once the doctor diagnos it as acute gout you can't get insurance.(not that gout will kill you, but it becomes a pre-existing illness.) I tried and every medical insurance company turned me down .
You may be one of the lucky ones and only have one attack, but my experience was, it kept returning and at closer and closer increments.
You may want to cut back on hard liquor if you enjoy such.
Good health to you
i just ate a bowl of cereal !
! exciting....... bourne.
eggs in a hole:
You take a slice of your favorite bread (I baked fresh whole wheat bread last night) butter it on both sides ( smart Balance for healthy eating) take a biscuit cutter and cut a hole in the slice place it in a fry pan with a little dab of butter in the hole, drop the egg in the hole, ( throw away the shell hahaha) brown both sides (over medium) then slide it onto a plate.
okay, i am a blogging addict!
i already have one for our family..just to keep friends and relatives all around in the loop...but i sarted a really cute one myself too.
i am obsessed with anything retro..i love the whole 50's era..the idealism, the family values, the kitschy-ness!!
I like it. Tried to leave a comment coundn't. I like the clors and strips very retro and 50s.
i just ate a bowl of cereal !
! exciting....... bourne.
I just ate "eggs in a hole"
i just came across this comment by someone from a group i belong to .
we just had the visit of our co...his wife made this comment to me:.
"'as i was reading the very powerful articles in the last public issue of the wt with study articles...i couldn't help but imagine that the brothers are waving a goodbye to people!'...
This brings to the point in the 70s our PO said, " If the faithful, and decreet slave told me to march toward that wall I would, because I believe Jehovah would eith make a passage or I would be able to defy gravity and walk up that wall."
Can Anybody say--Jonestown, Waco, and Kool-Aid. I have often wondered since I left, if the "FDSC" called for the cleansing of the Earth if the R & F would become mass murderers or drink the Kool-Aid.
It is frightening the effects of mind control.
defense bill aids pakistani paramilitary groupby walter pincuswashington post staff writer .
monday, february 4, 2008; page a19 congress buried some interesting provisions on pakistan and, separately, u.s. army recruitment in the 1,513-page fiscal 2008 defense authorization bill that president bush signed jan. 28. secretary of defense robert m. gates was given authority, "with the concurrence of the secretary of state," to provide as much as $75 million worth of equipment, supplies and training to "build the capacity" of the pakistan frontier corps, the paramilitary force that is recruited from border tribes and trained at camps along the pakistan-afghanistan border.
pentagon officials have publicly described the frontier corps as having more credibility with local tribesmen because the troops come from the region, while most pakistani army regulars do not.
By the way, there is a provision in U.S. law that makes it a crime if a bounty is paid "to induce any person to enlist in an armed force." Not to worry. The bill signed by the president last week says specifically that "the referral bonus authorized by this section is not a bounty."
There you go, it's settled. Alfred E. Newmansaid, "What, me worry?"
so i challenged myself to see how long i could stay away... no big goodbyes or announcements.... and now i am back - i managed about 9 days and 23 hours... .
I don't know you but I missed you. Welcome back