My heart goes out to you.
They have to use the outline, but if you have a cool elder then he could adlib somethings that the family request.
and now there is a debate between my father and his sister whether there should be a memorial service at the kingdom hall.. is there a rule whereby an elder who gives a memorial service at a kingdom hall must use the society's outline?
because my father and my grandmother have made it quite clear that he under no circumstances do they want that.
(i'm very blessed to have jw family who do not shun me even with the long hair (yes it is growing back), earring, and, oh yeah, disfellowshipment).
My heart goes out to you.
They have to use the outline, but if you have a cool elder then he could adlib somethings that the family request.
well, it's finally over.
last saturday i talked with an elder about how i feel about the wt.
we talked for about 3 hours.
The reason I go for DAing is like having a job and one day you get to work and the boss says, " Dan I'm going to fire you, heard you don't agree with how many shovels of shit that goes in the box car.
I say, well I know for a fact that I loaded four more shovels of shit into that boxcar than you said would fit.
So kiss my ass, you can't fire me I quit.hahahahaha
that is the title of the local small town newspaper article in the religion section of the newspaper yesterday.
i couldn't believe my eyes, but it is a fairly large article stating everything from how ex-jw's are shunned to how the witnesses disfellowshipped people for questioning their faith, to child abuse.
it mentions the sexual abuse experience of one person, and how she was sexually abused by her bil, and never dealt with properly within the congregation.
life force = soul
soul is in the blood
when ones blood stops flowing through the body then one life force is gone
this is how I understood it as a witness
anyway who knows, never has man come back and told us what is on the other side.
not even Jesus, all is mentioned is he went and preached to the demons.
"stupid is as stupid does!!!"Forest Gumps' mama
can someone provide me some insight or past experience with the pros and cons to disassociating oneself versus getting disfellowshipped?
besides the obvious of not having to deal with the lynch squad.
thanks for you comments.
I perfer DAing, simply according to the location in the earth, one is going to be shunned and slandered anyway...whether DAed or my point of view would be and is, If I decided to leave the org. I would write a simple DA letter, then get all my family around and say what is on my mind then listen to their responce and give them a chance to tell me how they are going to treat me, because I can no longer serve an an org. that is mind controlling,say my goodbyes and then mail the letter...if you are DFed (and you will be sooner than later because you have a doubt festering in your mind and your faith is no longer in harmony with the org.)or Daed you are still in the
same boat; therefore, It was my contention after 35 years in the org. and I was tired of being dictated to by narrow minded hypocrits that turned their love on and off at a whim, I would not let them dictate to me how I was going to leave the org.
I Daed myself with a sweet short letter saying, I am divorcing myself from all org., entities, and corp. that are any part of the WTBTS of NY, Florida, or any other place on earth, due to now having evidence that they are the false prophet.
That they would be held lible if any announcement came from the podium slandering my name.
Dan Walker
Clearlake, Ca.
If anybody knows me and wants to reacquaint our relationship my email address is [email protected]
after two years +/- reading to your long winded post, this was so sweet to read and say ,damn, i agree and it was so short and to the point.
good post, "i" appreciated your thought!.
dan the man from clearlake, ca.
After two years +/- reading to your long winded post, this was so sweet to read and say ,Damn, I agree and it was so short and to the point.
Good post, "I" appreciated your thought!
Dan the man from Clearlake, Ca.
i have icq and every 5 seconds i keep getting teeny boopers wanting me to look at them get naked, how do i stop it???
I have ICQ and every 5 seconds I keep getting teeny boopers wanting me to look at them get naked, how do I stop it????
i thought it might be a good idea to find out at what age or after how long we descided to leave the watchtower.. prehaps we my find a patern in it which we could use .. i think what we need to know are ,.
1.age you left the watchtower.
(or age you found out it was wrong).
I was 56
my son 21) we all left at the same time in the year of our Lord 2000.
my son 19
my youngest daughter never could beleive the crap;therefore, she never was baptized.
so much promised to so many which resulted in so much disappointment, despair and misery.
what future for the young?.
because all the evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years.
I know damn well they owe meeeeeee.
Good Jw moron that I was...
ooooh well, Guess i'll have to learn how to roller skate in a Buffolo Herd and have fun if I try soooo I'll just buckel down and do it, do it, do it.
thanks for the hot air..everybody
and Lilacs, just pick up some acrlyics and brushes if you like to paint... I can't draw worth a darn , but I love to paint
iwould sell prints, never gave it much thought until today.
don't know what to ask.need an agent, huh.