In a word, suspicious. Whenever someone makes a point of telling me how "tolerant" they are of lesbians, gays and/or Black people, I know that deep down, they're probably bigots. If they accepted me completely, it would go without saying. They wouldn't have to put on a show for my benefit.
I see what you are saying here – and I certainly wouldn’t be friends with people who could only tolerate my lifestyle or skin color, but I don’t think it is that simple. I don’t think someone is necessarily a bigot just because they don’t approve of a certain lifestyle. Most of us were JW’s and we can understand the power of indoctrination from early age. If someone is told over and over and over again that gay people are bad, well, then most of them will probably end up believing it. I feel sorry for those people because they haven’t been exposed to the real world. I think that many would change their views if they were exposed to gay people in everyday life. Heck, most of those same people would never have any issues with gay people at all if they were never unfairly indoctrinated since before they could make their own choice.
I guess that’s why I feel sorry for people who are only tolerant, but I think bigotry is a word that should be reserved for intolerant people. At least people have a choice – regardless of indoctrination – whether to be tolerant or not. Once people broaden their horizons, it seems that tolerant people have a greater chance of becoming accepting. But these are only my opinions – I haven’t had to feel scorn of intolerance that many minority groups have had to face. I have faced rejection from my JW friends who don’t accept me anymore because of my beliefs, but again, I feel sorry for them because I know that they have only seen one side of the story.