I think its wine time for this dude! And not that memorial crap either.
Posts by caves
Legal Concerns About "Zoom" Meetings!
by Atlantis inthis whole "zoom" thing has got me wondering whether some of it is legal or not.
if a person has to dress up for a zoom meeting the way the watchtower dictates, doesn't this really go "beyond" cult?.
even the cults who committed mass suicide were able to dress the way they wanted for their meetings.
Legal Concerns About "Zoom" Meetings!
by Atlantis inthis whole "zoom" thing has got me wondering whether some of it is legal or not.
if a person has to dress up for a zoom meeting the way the watchtower dictates, doesn't this really go "beyond" cult?.
even the cults who committed mass suicide were able to dress the way they wanted for their meetings.
In my opinion this is really old old old news.
Context [Longer than the actual point ]- Much to at least one posters surprise (private issue) just because I got involved in tech( Smartphone specific) a bit behind, due to my years in the mountains, I dove into tech/IT laws and the lack of them along with all the implications. Pre-Mountain days during 1999 and most of the 2000s I attended privately held conferences on tech industries and what they were collecting and doing with the rise of the "free" internet and our data. (Which facilitated my "off the grid-ness")(wanted no part of it after what I learned). When I came back "on the grid" like I said, I dove back in. Or rather it seemed sortof crammed down my throat.
In 2012-2014 I had two major accidents. One left me bed ridden for a few months and the other after I recovered from the first left me bed ridden for over half a year. I committed all my time(literally all of it) to hacking, which companies do collect info (literally all of them) even your supposed private browsers, how much, how secret, what up coming merging companies were doing, where it was going, smartphone technology, applications and their applications, what we were actually agreeing to,.. ect. It was overwhelming how fast we all just gave it up to have a flipping smartphone /tablets /notebooks ect. Well, in our defense, we were lied to for a long time. I digress.
Bare w/ me...
In a nut shell if you have a device that connects to the internet EVERYTHING can be tracked, traced, recorded, your pics, your contacts, all your emails, texts, videos, voice, when and what you type (even if you erase it [backspace out] and don't post it) your location [even if its turned off], every tiny detail of what you do is forever on a server/servers somewhere. Even things you may not even suspect, like your blue-tooth speaker, if done right can be hacked and can get everything on the smartphone you used or device all running in the background without so much as a blip in your operating system(to your eyes). Banking..you name it. If there is a blip, it not a good hacker.
There are not many if any big/ mid/ small tech companies that have not been sued and or in continuous lawsuits over privacy and collection of data. Its all just about money and finding loopholes now.
I can go over some of the things that were in these conferences but it would be moot in 2020. It is pretty much common knowledge to anyone with an interest in IT. There is absolutely nothing you or I can do about it.
Hacking evolves just as fast as the internet itself, so the hacking I learned while bed ridden gave me a decent template to add to my classroom or rather private conference knowledge (another moot point) as I lost interest and had to work and just couldn't keep up if I wasn't getting paid for it.
To cut it short or "no flesh would be saved" ugh, lol, couldn't resist....
I wouldn't worry about Zoom at all. Don't want to be seen?, cover your lens. The government, I can assure you, doesn't give a rip about jw meetings. But I would mostly be concerned with a person in the Zoom meetings that CAN hack, knows how, and does it.
Again if your worried just cover your camera lenses with dark tape. It is pointless to worry.
Could have stopped it 20 years ago. That was then, this is now.
I would worry more about social distancing and keeping food on the table and yourself clean and healthy.
Coronavirus Positive
by snare&racket inhey all,.
i'm day six of isolation, confirmed to have coronavirus.
i have been seeing very sick cv positive patients over the last month in my a&e role (emergency physician) it was inevitable i would contract it.. just wanted to give some symptom and treatment advice, it's anecdotal but may help.. started as sore throat and headache, then croaky voice, then dry cough, then episodic transient fevers, all this over the first few days.
Thank you. Get completely well soon!
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
A human named "Gloria Gaynor' filmed herself singing at her bathroom sink. LMAO That caught me off guard.
why did jehovah create corona virus?
by stan livedeath inwhy did jehovah create the strains of corona virus ?.
is it part of the great tribulation that is closer than ever now ?.
what if lots of his people die from it ?.
Wakanda-Not if you live with your perp, like the vast majority.
That has crossed my mind many times since this pandemic started.__________
If anyone believes in this 'jehovah forever floaty thingy', then absolutely he/ she/ it /thang did create it, by merely allowing it. All creation belongs to Jehovah.
Oh I just saw the question was 'Why' did jeho create it? Because watching billions of people die naturally throughout the course of 1000s of years gets boring so he causes disease to entertain himself. No god I would ever worship would allow such a thing to prove a point. That no one was alive now to even witness to really prove his point.
Why do they even pray to 'jehovah'. I mean the dumb ass does nothing now. Hes outsources his work to jesus. and the 4 horsemen. Literally gave the throne away. And Tony Morris is going to become a king or priest in spirit form to help an apparently weak ass piece of shit son that needs help from 'sinful humans' that he 'bought' from earth, only 144,000. Must have been a tight budget year in heaven.
Post some short, fun videos
by frozen2018 insheltering in place, working from home, watching the news...nice to take a break with a fun video.
what gave you a good laugh?
post it here.
Post some short, fun videos
by frozen2018 insheltering in place, working from home, watching the news...nice to take a break with a fun video.
what gave you a good laugh?
post it here.
Post some short, fun videos
by frozen2018 insheltering in place, working from home, watching the news...nice to take a break with a fun video.
what gave you a good laugh?
post it here.
Frozen2018, Those are lovely. I personally have been so wrapped up watching the news about Covid , navigating all the changes of life due to the pandemic I totally neglected to sooth myself with good news. I saw those two vids on the 'Goodnews network' (a news network with only good news) no politics, no religion. It brought tears to my eyes, which is surprising since I'm supposed to only have a cold dead black heart. lol
I just found this old horse commercial .Super cute!
Legal Concerns About "Zoom" Meetings!
by Atlantis inthis whole "zoom" thing has got me wondering whether some of it is legal or not.
if a person has to dress up for a zoom meeting the way the watchtower dictates, doesn't this really go "beyond" cult?.
even the cults who committed mass suicide were able to dress the way they wanted for their meetings.
And if an elder takes down notes because a JW wears jeans in his own home for a Zoom meeting, doesn't this border-line on breaking the Data Protection Laws?
No. And if it did how in the world would you make a case of it. Zooms legal terms of agreement when you use their services, free them of any liability.
An elder can write what he wants...You can dress how you want. In turn, they can also df/ shun/ call you spiritually weak/counsel you/ or whatever strikes their fancy so long you remain a member.
Sister Not Sure If She Is 144 000 or Great Crowd
by Awake at last ini haven’t posted here for years as i have now moved on and am satisfied with the choice i have made to leave watchtower.
however in light of the coronavirus and people in australia and other countries being asked to stay at home i became concerned for a witness sister who lives in melbourne alone who is 88 years old.
today i gave her a call as i don’t trust the local witnesses to care for her.
notsure- yes it is strange.... I understood what you meant. I didn't mean to make it sound like I didn't. Sorry.
I was more wanting to hopefully off set someone who might read the post but not really consider the angles and comment about how they should wake her up not realizing shes 88.