Out with the 4 gospels which were written 30-40 years after the so called events there is no real evidence that a man performed superhuman miracles , walked on water , raised the dead etc,died and was resurrected and acended to heaven in what ever form .
JoinedPosts by Fadeaway1962
Jehovah's Witnesses DENY the Physical Bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses are taught by their organisation that christ's body was disposed by jehovah god, they deny the physical bodily resurrection and explain that he rose again as a spirit creature.
as we take into account what the watchtower teach, i explain from the bible that christ rose again from the grave in his body, and showing forth that the jehovah's witnesses are in error.
in this video i cover:
Donating Blood a Disfellowshipping Offense?
by HiddenPimo inwhen i served as an elder i never heard of this scenario presenting itself - giving blood.. has anyone heard of a judicial case where a person donated and was disfellowshipped?
are there any references to this in the jw publications, manuals, handbooks?.
not so hiddenpimo :-).
Rub a Dub
When you type in donating blood in JW library this reference comes up if was not revalent would have been removed.
The question raised was are there any reference to this in JW publications.
Donating Blood a Disfellowshipping Offense?
by HiddenPimo inwhen i served as an elder i never heard of this scenario presenting itself - giving blood.. has anyone heard of a judicial case where a person donated and was disfellowshipped?
are there any references to this in the jw publications, manuals, handbooks?.
not so hiddenpimo :-).
Questions FromReaders
● In view of the seriousness of taking blood into the human system by a transfusion, would violation of the Holy Scriptures in this regard subject the dedicated, baptized receiver of blood transfusion to being disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation?
The inspired Holy Scriptures answer yes. About the middle of the first “Christian” century the twelve apostles of Christ met with the other mature representatives of the congregation at Jerusalem to determine what should be the Scriptural requirement for the admission of non-Jews into the Christian congregation. The twelve apostles and other representative men of the Jerusalem congregation as met together on this occasion to decide this vital question were Jews or circumcised proselytes, and, as such, they had been up until Pentecost of A.D. 33 under the prohibition contained in the Mosaic law against eating or drinking the blood of animal creatures. In that Mosaic law at Leviticus 17:10-12 God said to the Jews: “As for any man of the house of Israel or some temporary resident who is residing for a while in your midst who eats any sort of blood, I shall certainly set my face against the soul that is eating the blood and I shall indeed cut him off from among his people. For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have put it upon the altar for you to make atonement for your souls, because it is the blood that makes atonement by the soul in it. That is why I have said to the sons of Israel, ‘No soul of you should eat blood and no temporary resident who is residing for a while in your midst should eat blood.”’
Those Jewish Christians had now come under the new covenant that had been validated by the pouring out in death of the blood of Jesus Christ, the Mediator between God and men. What, then, was their decision as to the requirements to lie imposed upon Gentile believers for admission into the Christian congregation? The decree setting forth their decision replies: “The apostles and the older brothers to those brothers in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia who are from the nations: Greetings! . . . For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, to keep yourselves free from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things killed without draining their blood and from fornication. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!” (Acts 15:23-29) Thus for all Christian believers the apostolic decree under the guidance of God’s holy spirit declared that among the things necessary for them was the keeping of themselves free from blood and from things killed without draining their blood. Years later that decision was still in force upon Christians according to Acts 21:25. That decision has never been revoked, because it is God-given and still applies to Christians today who are dedicated, baptized believers, faithfully following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, who was born a Jew over 1900 years ago.
Under God’s law as mediated by the prophet Moses toward the nation of Israel those Jews or circumcised proselytes who violated God’s prohibition against eating or drinking animal blood were to be cut off from his chosen people. According to the apostolic decree as handed down by that conference in Jerusalem, the Christian congregation was under obligation to do a similar thing toward those who ate or drank animal blood. Blood transfusions were not in vogue in apostolic days. Nevertheless, although the twelve apostles and their fellow members of the Jerusalem congregation may not have had such a thing as the modern blood transfusion in mind, yet the decree handed down by them included such a thing in its scope. The medical profession today admits that blood transfusion is a direct feeding of the blood vessels of the human body with blood from another person or other persons that the practitioner of blood transfusion says is necessary for the survival of the recipient.
God’s law definitely says that the soul of man is in his blood. Hence the receiver of the blood transfusion is feeding upon a God-given soul as contained in the blood vehicle of a fellow man or of fellow men. This is a violation of God’s commands to Christians, the seriousness of which should not be minimized by any passing over of it lightly as being an optional matter for the conscience of any individual to decide upon. The decree of the apostles at Jerusalem declares: “If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper.” Hence a Christian who deliberately receives a blood transfusion and thus does not keep himself from blood will not prosper spiritually. According to the law of Moses, which set forth shadows of things to come, the receiver of a blood transfusion must be cut off from God’s people by excommunication or disfellowshiping.
If the taking of a blood transfusion is the first offense of a dedicated, baptized Christian due to his immaturity or lack of Christian stability and he sees the error of his action and grieves and repents over it and begs divine forgiveness and forgiveness of God’s congregation on earth, then mercy should be extended to him and he need not be disfellowshiped. He needs to be put under surveillance and to be instructed thoroughly according to the Scriptures upon this subject, and thereby be helped to acquire strength to make decisions according to the Christian standard in any future cases.
If, however, he refuses to acknowledge his nonconformity to the required Christian standard and makes the matter an issue in the Christian congregation and endeavors to influence others therein to his support; or, if in the future he persists in accepting blood transfusions or in donating blood toward the carrying out of this medical practice upon others, he shows that he has really not repented, but is deliberately opposed to God’s requirements. As a rebellious opposer and unfaithful example to fellow members of the Christian congregation he must be cut off therefrom by disfellowshiping. Thereby the Christian congregation vindicates itself from any charge of connivance at the infraction of God’s law by a member of the congregation through blood transfusion, and it upholds the proper Christian standard before all the members of the Christian congregation, and keeps itself clean from the blood of all men, even as the apostle Paul did who promulgated to the various Gentile congregations the apostolic decree handed down at Jerusalem.—Acts 20:
Donating Blood a Disfellowshipping Offense?
by HiddenPimo inwhen i served as an elder i never heard of this scenario presenting itself - giving blood.. has anyone heard of a judicial case where a person donated and was disfellowshipped?
are there any references to this in the jw publications, manuals, handbooks?.
not so hiddenpimo :-).
W61 1/15 p63-64
Not sure how to put link to w/tower library
Greta Thunberg, Worse than Plague
by Simon inso greta thunberg thinks the world pollutes too much.
specifically, the parts of the world that pollute the least and have the cleanest industries.
she doesn't seem to care about india or china who are the biggest polluters by far.. "how dare they".
All the school kids that miss school to protest about climate change .
Get dropped at school by car or 4x4 we used to walk to school.
A new bike was usually someone's old bike.clothes were handed down
Holiday were in the UK
Takeaways were the very occasional chippy
Wonder how many of these young people today would be happy with that to give up new mobiles, tablets,X box's , foreign holidays, designer clothes probably none but it's older ones fault .
What triggered your awaking?
by Fadeaway1962 ini was listening to a radio show about a jw women who had been disfellowshiped , her daughter cut off all contact ,must admit at the time i thought so what.. then this man phoned up and explained he was disfellowshiped for asking about jws being ngo in the united nations during 90s till early 2000s when a newspaper exposed them , i still thought he's a apostate but looked it up found the article then found this forum and even more info..
I was listening to a radio show about a JW women who had been disfellowshiped , her daughter cut off all contact ,must admit at the time I thought so what.
Then this man phoned up and explained he was disfellowshiped for asking about JWs being NGO in the United Nations during 90s till early 2000s when a newspaper exposed them , I still thought he's a apostate but looked it up found the article then found this forum and even more info.
Transgender sues - because they were ALLOWED to change sex!!!
by The Fall Guy inyou couldn't make this up!
the emperor's transgender's new clothes syndrome = don't dare define their problem as being psychological, otherwise you're transphobic!.
There has been cases were transgender males have been locked up and asked to be put in a female prison and then go on and abuse the female prisoners.
Does Bob use the male or female toilets or do they have a "they" toilet.
Does Bob get to put a dress on and walk in a ladies changing room?
1000's of S. Korean Christian sect spreading coronavirus
by The Fall Guy inhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-51695649.
Makes you wonder what the org will do if this continues well into April with the memorial , having 20 million people around the world congregating together
Just get the wine and cracker in
Circuit Overseer to Answer My Questions + Concerns...or Not
by Research inhello all, i'm 'researching', a jw who is in the first steps of taking a look at their beliefs.. i've semi-recently (about a couple weeks ago) heard about the sexual abuse cases (pennsylvania attorney general’s investigation request) and then the arc in 2015. this lead to a deep investigation, which lead to many questions arising.
a jw friend of mine suggested i be careful (due to apostates) and ask the brothers.
so i typed up my questions + concerns and emailed an elder my mother has known for a long time.
Don't what country your in , that's probably kept to yourself but in the UK you could try calling the Samaritans they will listen and be able to access the help you need,
Circuit Overseer to Answer My Questions + Concerns...or Not
by Research inhello all, i'm 'researching', a jw who is in the first steps of taking a look at their beliefs.. i've semi-recently (about a couple weeks ago) heard about the sexual abuse cases (pennsylvania attorney general’s investigation request) and then the arc in 2015. this lead to a deep investigation, which lead to many questions arising.
a jw friend of mine suggested i be careful (due to apostates) and ask the brothers.
so i typed up my questions + concerns and emailed an elder my mother has known for a long time.
Research if this is affecting your mental health you need to make a appointment to see your doctor and explain the issues with your mother etc they will be able to refer you to get professional help