I was a divorced young single mother when I came into the organization ( a convert from the world). I HAD to work full- time to support myself. PlUS the ex husband wasn't paying for child support. It was all on my shoulders to make a living.
I got into the real estate field- but property management division. Not a commission only job like a realtor is. This had a salary and benefits. I was heavily discouraged by the elders to keep the job and was pressured to quit. One brother would say - your working too many hours and you have to remember you have other responsibilities. You have spiritual responsibility and you have to raise your child.
As if I didn't know this! If I was a man I doubt there would of been any issue. Like seriously, do they tell men not to work full- time? ( I honestly don't know, but O doubt it!).
After a few years of it I gave into the pressure and went into Bookkeeping. It was a part- time thing and I only jhad a few clients. I had to go on food stamps & medicade because I wasn't making much.
After some years of living in poverty I started to wake up. I faded out and became inactive. The 1st thing I did when I left was 1. Get a staff job at a University ( good salary/retirement & benefits) 2. Started back to school to pursue a Bachelor's degree. It took me 6 years working full-time and raising kids as a single mom to finally get my degree, but I did it!! Out of poverty and self supporting!
I think they look down on anyone not pioneering. But how do they expect a single parent to pioneer and give up a stable job? Ridiculous