Although I agree they've messed up the Bible, I also have to concede that it wasn't in too good a shape to begin with. The Bible is not pure people, whether it's the watchtower that changed it or Jerome, it's been changed! From the very beginning. If you don't believe this, then you can't believe the Watchtower changed it. If they can manage it anyone can, and if God chose to allow them to do it then he'd have allowed anyone to do it. The Vulgate is widely believed to be the worst translation ever in History (besides perhaps the NWT). And guess what? The KJV was heavily influenced by the Vulgate, just take a look at Jerome's horrible translation of Isaiah's words. So, I guess my point is, although you can't trust the Watchtower version, how can you trust any. You can only take it for what's it's worth. Is God's message still there? Absolutely, just don't look too closely otherwise you'll end up spending years arguing whether or not Jesus is God or not, and you know what? That's not the important thing, serving him, worshipping him and loving him is more important.
Again, for what it's worth, I don't personally believe that Jesus is God Almighty, I do however believe that Jesus is Jehovah of the Old Testament. I believe that Jesus was the creator, I believe that he will return. I also hope that I'm not too busy arguing about who he is rather than knowing he's here when that time comes. The JW's can say all they want about the "Accurate Knowledge", and I will listen to them as soon as Christ is preaching from atop the mount of Bethel, Brooklyn NY.......until that time comes (I'm not holding my breath), then they're just a bunch of crooks trying to steal my eternal life and personal relationship with my savior away from me. So, no matter who Christ is, no matter if he's God Almighty, Jehovah the Creator or just the son of God, I know what he did for me, and I will never turn my back on him, and I KNOW he will never turn his on me.
LOL, you are RIGHT ON RevMalk, you said it all! The Society has corrupted or changed the meaning of just about each Scripture in the Bible -- all the good Prophecies apply to themselves, and all the bad Propechies apply to Christendom. They changed just about all Scriptures that said Jesus was God. They added words, took away words, even from the Book of Revelation (Adding the word "Jehovah" and taking away the words "The Lord").
Are you correct that the name of Jehovah was not intended to be in the New Testament? Absolutely, without a doubt. Why? Because Jehovah was walking the earth in the Human form of Jesus Christ. Was/is he God Almighty? No, not in my opinion. The Bible seems very clear on that, but also seems very clear that he was/is. So, through my own studies of the scripture and prayer, I believe that there's a compromise. Jehovah came to earth as Christ, can't even argue the point. The thing is, Jehovah himself is NOT God Almighty, and this is where all the confusion comes in. Is Jesus/Jehovah of a divine nature, not a created angel? Yes, absolutely, he is God the Father's Only Begotten, procreated, much different than any Angel in Heaven. Is he part of some kind of Trinity? Well, the Trinity is a funny term, everyone interprets it differently. I believe that Jesus/Jehovah has a divine power, along with the Holy Ghost, but God Almighty still containing much more power. So, on one hand there is a Godhead of sorts, acting as one, but all three still separate beings.
This is all based on my humble opinion, and my own studies of the scripture and prayer, as I've said. Does this mean I am correct and everyone else is wrong? No, of course not, pertaining to these things, we have a limited amount of knowledge, a limited capability of knowledge and a very limited amount of information to base those things on. The Bible has been adulterated, point blank, so the only thing we can do is believe what we believe, and worship the way we feel fit. Are the JW's wrong? In my opinion they are beyond wrong. Am I here to tell them they're wrong? Not until God tells me too (still not holding my breath). I certainly could not have it on my head if I caused one person to leave what they believe but God knows I am no Prophet, and I have no divine nature and I am not in a position to do so. And God forbid I caused someone to stray from their faith and they turned out to be right! Don't worry, I don't believe they are, but again, I am not God, and that is one of the few things you can base your faith on. We live in a world with all the information except what we need. So what do we do? Seek.
If God has his true Prophet on this earth today, what should we be doing? Seeking.
If God does not have his true Prophet on earth today, what should we be doing? Seeking.
That's it, that's all we can do. I listen to everyone and all, if they have the truth, I will find it. If they don't, it's sure to find me, haha. That's the trick in this life.....finding the truth, because it's not going to be handed to us on a silver platter.
I will be at the march on the 27th, please don't forget people!
RevMalk Speaks - You cannot DF All of the people all of the time, BUT, you can DF most of the people some of the time.
Saratoga Springs, NY Congregation Refugee