What I've realised is that "privilege" is an euphemism for "free work".
You get the privilege of being a MS but that only means working free for the organisation without reward. And what is worst: spending your time in paperwork and bureaucracy.
If you get the privilege of being an elder, then you have more tasks to do. You are payed by portraying the title but you are giving your time, a precious time normal people would use to spend with their families, having hobbies or relaxing after a hard working day.
I can't see a difference between how you're treated by COs or elders and a secular manager. In fact, considered you are not paid the treatment is sometimes even worst.
That's the reason why those privileges are nowadays imposed on brothers even if they don't really want to be appointed. It's completely different than some years ago: now brothers don't reach to become elders or MS but they're pressured by existing elders as they cannot do all the work they already have and want to share work with others.