Ok, that's weird. I swear that when I stopped using this name there were 666. Maybe a thread got deleted?
Posts by rhett
This is my last post
by rhett insome people like having a large number of posts credited to them.
myself, i think it just goes to show that various people have way too much free time on their hands.
i thought that this is my 666th post i will now officially retire my username and start with a clean slate.
This is my last post
by rhett insome people like having a large number of posts credited to them.
myself, i think it just goes to show that various people have way too much free time on their hands.
i thought that this is my 666th post i will now officially retire my username and start with a clean slate.
Some people like having a large number of posts credited to them. Myself, I think it just goes to show that various people have way too much free time on their hands. I thought that this is my 666th post I will now officially retire my username and start with a clean slate. From this point on, I shall go by the username elbobbo. Unlike other people who get new usernames to try to fool people, I'm doing this because I just want to and will freely admit to it.
So long rhett, hello elbobbo! -
Shepherding #1
by Amazing inintroduction: much has been said about the jw judicial committee system, and all the negatives, along with some concurrent shepherding visits.
the purpose of this short series is to discuss how and why we made shepherding visits, and what those visits were like from the perspective as elders.
nothing here is designed to be self-serving, self-indulgent, or self-justifying ... it needs to be told from the vantage point of how we felt at the time, and what we thought we were accomplishing ... though blind to the hurt and harm some of this caused.. ps: future installments will eliminate the background, and be shorter.. background: our congregation was known as the armpit of the circuit because of high inactivity, high irregularity.
I came to understand how poorly trained and underqualified JW Elders are in dealing with peoples problems.
I couldn't agree more. Back when I still lived at home I hated how my parents thought that one of the local janitor elders could help my former brother-in-law beat drinking better than a rehab center because he was an elder and cared more about him. If you had a brain tumor would you want your spouse who loves you deeply operating on you because they'll try really hard to save you or a professional brain surgeon who has gone through years and years of training to perform this very operation? Similiarly, would you rather have a professionaly trained toilet cleaner that cares deeply about you try to help you with your personal problems or a trained phsychologist?
And my parents always wondered why I hated talking to the elders............ -
What Do You Do On The Weekend?
by TheRecordCollector inwhat do you do on the weekend?.
and how do you spend your spare time?
I practice my yodeling. Next weekend is the big Yodeling Award Winning Network's big convention. I plan presenting my latest work where I've translated some of the world's most famous operas into yodels. With any luck I'll be able to get the throat implant that I've been dying to get with the prize money. After I get that my vocal range should be expanded to the optimal range for yodeling. Us yodelers take their range very seriously and I just can't handle not having it. If I can't get the throat implant I may have start applying crazy glue to my nostrils to help and that's painful. If you'd care to help with "Help Rhett get the correct yodeling vocal range" fund please send donations.
Cow gets key to the city
by larc inthis is old news to those in southwestern, ohio, but i don't know if this made the wire services.
it seems that several weeks ago, 1,200 pound cow jumped a 6 foot fence and got way from the herd that was destined for the slaughter house.
the cow escaped to a nearyby city park, and remained hidden for ten days, despite search parties with heat sensing devices looking for her.
Didn't a chicken once get elected governor of Montana? Seems like I rememebr reading something about that once.
When will you die?
by gravedancer inhttp://www.deathclock.com/.
sadistic friday, april 18, 2003 .
pessimistic monday, april 3, 2023 .
May 30, 2005.
Now what's this talk about a website? -
What are your goals in life?
by butalbee inwhere do you see yourself in 5 or 10 yrs?
what do you really want to do with your life?
are you living your dreams or just dreaming to live?
I one day dream of being the director of the International Velcro Museum. This has been a dream of mine ever since I was a small child watching the movie "Tron." I knew while watching that movie that velcro would one day become my life. I can't even begin to describe how much better my pancakes are now that I've started using velcro.
Well, if I can't do that at least I could possibly have a career painting carpet. -
Stop counting time
by Elsewhere inmost jws are guilted/coerced into going into the ministry by the time requirements.
i can't help but wonder how much time the average jw would spend in the ministry work if the time requirements were dropped.. i know that the only reason i went into field service was because i didnt want the elders coming and counseling me... that was until i figured out how to use theocratic warfare on my time sheet.
any thoughts on this?.
I can't remember how many times I went on return visits to see Wendy and Ron. As in the fast food resteraunts Wendy's and McDonalds. We usually spent a good amount of time there talking too.
Where did the Sky go?
by Elsewhere ini noticed that sky has not been around for a few months.
does anyone know what is happening with her?
i sent an email to her over a week ago to check up and haven't heard back.. .
Didn't you hear? The sky fell!!!
(pieces for sale at http://asteroidmodels.com/meteoritesales.htm) -
What do you think of I-MAC?
by zombie ini am thinking of getting a new computer.
i have an hp pc right now and thinking of switching to mac.
i saw the i-mac and fell in love with it --- its bucks but it does a ton of stuff.
DVD burning is available on PC's as well. The Macs may put a nice pretty face and make it slightly easier but unless you're doing really high end work just about anything you can do on a Mac you can do on a PC.