It surely now most people have doubts about the safety of the covid vaccines? Could there be a situation where the majority of the congregation have doubts about the direction but they just don’t talk about it?
Posts by Elena
Can you openly express doubts in the congregation these days?
by Elena ini know of a lovely old sister who has been a jw for several decades now who openly expresses doubts about jw interpretations.. she does it in such a lovely way and everyone loves her.
she is such a sweet old soul, makes everyone happy around her.. she has said things like- even if we have got it wrong about this and that i still believe the bible is gods word”.
she answers up regularly and she goes on ministry groups but like most of us she is definitely jwlite, we don’t really do door to door work anymore.
Can you openly express doubts in the congregation these days?
by Elena ini know of a lovely old sister who has been a jw for several decades now who openly expresses doubts about jw interpretations.. she does it in such a lovely way and everyone loves her.
she is such a sweet old soul, makes everyone happy around her.. she has said things like- even if we have got it wrong about this and that i still believe the bible is gods word”.
she answers up regularly and she goes on ministry groups but like most of us she is definitely jwlite, we don’t really do door to door work anymore.
So I would be very interested to know what will happen in most congregations these days if someone openly expresses doubts about the GB and about the direction from the GB?
If for example someone said “maybe the GB got it wrong about the vaccines” would they be called into the back room? If so then what? Would the elder have to make the case that the GB were right to give that direction and the vaccines are safe, and in the future we follow the direction even if we are not sure?
I suspect this would not happen and many elders would now agree to doubt the GB on this?
How can Babylon the Great be the WORLD of false religion?
by BoogerMan in(revelation 17:5) “babylon the great, the mother of the prostitutes (plural!
) and of the disgusting things of the earth.”.
btg is spotlighted as being the principal "disgusting thing" which affects christians & christianity, with other lesser "prostitutes" in the background... (revelation 18:4) “get out of her, my people, (christians) if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.".
It all boils down to the fact that this is a man made religion making things up as they go along. Even if some thinks there is a chance they are correct in their interpretations you would still be wise to hold off until the great tribulation starts. By their own admission you could still be saved if you waited until then. But we all know that is not going to happen.They can’t have too much new light at once as it would overwhelm the Jdubs. New light that admits they were wrong about 1914 and Babylon the great would be too much and most will ask why has Jehovah’s channel got so much wrong over the years? -
The Next Big Thing In WT World
by NotFormer inthings got a bit lively after the agm leaks in october.
there was a lot of discussion going on on this board for a few months.
now that all the leaks have been more or less confirmed as policy, and we've had lively discussions at length concerning the changes, things seem to have slowed down here.. a few suggestions have been raised as to what might be the next changes, such as women being allowed to wear slacks (in the usa, anyway), decoupling from 1914 as an anchoring date and others.. so, what changes do you think will be announced this year?.
It used to be that survival of Armageddon was difficult and this was used as means of control to obey us, the same way eternal torment in hell was used to control people in churches. I remember older ones using this threat to get younger ones to obey.Now though they say we don’t know who will survive and you could have a last minute change of heart when Armageddon starts. They also admit the Bible says there will be a resurrection of the unrighteousness. They also admit there is no point killing somebody unrighteous when if only they died just before they would have been resurrected. So basically even unrighteous ones will survive Armageddon now?They say we don’t know can can’t be dogmatic but that is what they say. They admit it is stupid to wish someone unrighteous dies before the end. They are saying they don’t have to die before hand for the same chance of survival, this is what they are saying.They want to have it both ways. Still keep the fear that you need to obey Jehovah (which means the GB) but they don’t want to give apostates the chance to say that JWs believe everyone will be slaughtered unless they are JW.
They can’t have it both ways so they just say we can’t be dogmatic we don’t know. But what they have been dogmatic about is that there will be a resurrection of unrighteous ones, and they said it’s wrong to hope unrighteous loved ones die before the end. So they are saying those unrighteous loved ones may survive after all they don’t have to die before the end comes?It all boils down to the fact that this is a man made religion making things up as they go along. Even if they are correct in their interpretations you would still be wise to hold off until the great tribulation starts. But we all know that is not going to happen. -
Can you openly express doubts in the congregation these days?
by Elena ini know of a lovely old sister who has been a jw for several decades now who openly expresses doubts about jw interpretations.. she does it in such a lovely way and everyone loves her.
she is such a sweet old soul, makes everyone happy around her.. she has said things like- even if we have got it wrong about this and that i still believe the bible is gods word”.
she answers up regularly and she goes on ministry groups but like most of us she is definitely jwlite, we don’t really do door to door work anymore.
I know of a lovely old sister who has been a JW for several decades now who openly expresses Doubts about JW interpretations.
She does it in such a lovely way and everyone loves her. She is such a sweet old soul, makes everyone happy around her.
She has said things like- even if we have got it wrong about this and that I still believe the Bible is Gods word”
She answers up regularly and she goes on ministry groups but like most of us she is definitely jwlite, we don’t really do door to door work anymore. We all just do ‘informal’ which means walking around shops and main streets until the obligatory coffee meet ups.
A few other older sisters have also started saying things well even if it’s not true I love being part of the congregation and then everyone laughs to release tension.
I am wondering if this is the case in other parts of the world? Can members of congregations openly say “we may not have correct understanding but I still love being part of the congregation”
Fading is better then completely leaving...comments?
by Witness 007 ini got the internet in my house and realised it's all lies....but as a pioneer/ministerial servant i chose to fade.
see i had family and friends who were fully strict witnesses.
so i played the poor lost soul brother who is not sure what's happening.
lol Fading while enjoying the social club elements is possible as long as you can not be accused of causing division.
Waiting On Jehovah First Mentioned?
by Ron.W. inyes, waiting on jehovah for him to handle a problem/ doctrine etc.. when did the jw's first start saying that?
they've been saying it as long as i can remember.. what scriptures do they trot out to back that teaching up?
Rank and file are made to believe that only high up elders can say this and only they have the clout to use this. If it’s something involving the org or the elders then just leave it let’s wait on Jehovah.
what if it’s something the elders are investigating to do with a publisher? Can the publisher not answer their invasive questions and just tell the elders “let’s leave it In Jehovahs hands, let’s wait on Jehovah!”
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Yes that’s my point, leaving the JWs was his downfall with no moral compass anymore. He would have been better off staying JW lite for the stabilising influence
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Lloyds entire situation is a good example of what often happens when someone wakes up that JWs have got a lot wrong, perhaps almost everything wrong. Then what do you believe? If you believe evolution then some go off the rails like Lloyd did as there is no moral compass anymore and this just brings results that Lloyd has - suicidal extreme unhappiness having messed up everything and anyone in your life.
Far better when someone wakes up to Watchtowers incorrectly interpreted the Bible is to become JWlite. Either become inactive and still go occasionally or soft exist and don’t go at all but keep in touch with friends and family still in.
You don’t have to make up your mind if there is a God or not, you don’t have to choose another religion. You can keep the social club aspect of JWs if you want to. Keep the things you like even if you are not sure if God exists, the fruits of the spirit for example.
You can keep all the good association and sometimes keep going to zoom and even in person meetings occasionally and these days you can be honest about not being sure Jehovah even exists. This is once you are inactive that is. You will be love bombed as they want you to keep coming to meetings.
Lloyd would have been much better off doing this. His marriage his family would have been happier. He could be jw lite family as so many are these days.
this applies to most religions where even if they don’t really believe they still go to church or mosque or other place of religion for the stability it gives the family
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Yes but he didn’t know he would be promoting staying physically in the congregation for the protection especially for young people from messing up their lives the way he has messed up his.
I wonder if he is honest was he more happy physically in? Would he have had a happier life staying JWlite and mentally out.
would his family still be together? Would he have better friends and quality of life? Would his children have a happier childhood and future than the one they have now?
the answer to all these is most definitely yes