In the Old Testament you have a plurality to god. God often refers to himself as more than one being. The Old Testament also has a number of contradictions about not being able to see or hear god, but in the Old Testament you have people who have directly seen and heard god.
Now in the Old Testament you have a figure called “the angel of the lord “which is identified as god, being with god and god’s heavenly ruler.
Contradictions??? Yes. Does anyone fully understand it ?? No.
In the new testament when john says “ in the beginning, there was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god “, do you think the author thought of Jesus as god as an important person or do you think believes Jesus was the manifestation of god in the flesh ?? Considering the next line is “no one has seen the father only the son”…………..I think it is pretty obvious there is a belief that Jesus is the angel of the lord from the Old Testament.
The figure that was identified as god and being with god.
Now a well trained JW is going to be all “ Well, how can that be , blah blah blah “ . I just assume there are spiritual things that beyond the realm of human understanding.
Now if you want to say the bible is complete bullshit , that is fine but the idea of Jesus existing with his father as Yahwah, Jehovah, LORD of the old testament is pretty clear.
I find once you study the bible and study the bible with the DUBs, it seems the DUBs are more on a mission to disprove the bible and they are so stupid they don’t even see it.